Hana isn't her self

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(Riku POV)
Ari came back and it's been a week Hana doesn't even dress like her self. She has her hair down all the time and in normal clothing she wouldn't even try to wear. Her eye color changed to green. She doesn't even use her powers. Kanna is even worry for her. The Master is trying to figure it out and change her back but we need a healer. Ari! Ari knows Hana and Kanna like the back of her hand. When Hana came here Ari was the one that greeted her. Hana and Ari heard about Kanna coming and they became the group called Cora. That was when Hana wasn't in S.S.H.S. When she got in, conflicts happened and they split up the group.
"Ari can you help me?" I say walk up towards her.
"If your asking about Hana it's a no." Ari says drinking.
"Why won't you help her?!" I say getting mad at her.
"She is a S.S.H.S. She'll be fine." Ari says taking other drink.
"Your a healer! She loves you, your a sister to her." I yell at her.
"Do you really except me to believe that?" Ari yells back.
"Yeah I can't believe you don't." I say.
"Riku there is more to her then happiness and sunshine!" Ari says in a mad tone.
"You should tell that to yourself Ari!" I snap at her.
"Look I'm drinking so go!" Ari snaps back at me.
"No! Not until you help her!" I yell.
"Then go ahead and fight me!" Ari yells back.
"Fine! I will then you have to help her if I win!" I yell.
"Deal!" Ari says.
Ari uses poison and healing powers. So it's going to be difficult to fight her. I create a massive flame in both hands. She creates a black blubble that is moving fast.
" No Riku are you crazy." Niko says.
"Shut up!" Ari says hitting him in the shoulder.
"No that's not fair her didn't do anything!" I tell her.
"Oh don't worry if you hit me he gets hurt too!" She tells me.
"No that isn't a fair fight let him go!" I tell her.
"Okay he can die!" Ari says
"No! You win! Please don't hurt him." I say putting out the fire I created.

" I knew you would give up but I'm gonna make things clear!" Ari says and she tries to poison me. 

"Ari don't do it!" Niko yells.

"Shut up! I will do it to you too!" Ari yells as she hurts him.

 Niko yelled in pain. I knew she was going to hurt me. So I was going to let her. All of a sudden Kanna comes and got in front of me. Ari hits her and she screams in pain but healed herself and the poison didn't effect her. 

"Ari! How dare you hurt others and won't even heal Hana." Kanna screams her voice sounded like other voices in unison.

"Don't you see what she did to us!" Ari yells.

"Shut up! She care for you like your own sister!" Kanna screams again in a way deeper voice with the other voices.  

"How would you know?! She forgot about me!" Ari says fighting Kanna.

Ari poison went everywhere. Kanna still standing it's amazing what the undead can do!

"Ari she isn't her self, Mari's shadow curse got her." I tell her. 

"shut up!" Ari attacks me with tears in her eyes.

she punches me in the arm and poison went into my body. Yelling in pain, I tried to get up. 
"Riku!" Niko says.

"Ari what did you do?" Kanna says shocked by what she did.

"What's wrong?" I ask feeling dizzy.

Ari throws up and lays on the ground.  She got the liquid stuff out of her system. She sees me and realize what she did.
"I'll take care Riku! Kanna take care of Ari!" Niko says.

"I killed him!" Ari says crying. "I'm sorry Riku."

"It's okay!" Kanna tells her as I fall to the ground and could barely hold my eyes up.

"Don't worry Riku it's okay." Niko says.

"Niko the poison." I say in pain.

"It's okay I'm gonna take care of you." Niko says with tears in his eyes.

I close my eyes and everything went to black.

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