The Fear of Saracon

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(Sadao's POV)
Saracon the year that fears me the most. It's not about the presents or about the fighting. It's about the sabotage we get from other guilds. I still have wounds from last year trying to disarm the traps. I don't like Saracon. Oracon is different because you have the undead. Saracon people can die fro these traps. I'm both the living and the dead. I use both types of magic. I'm the one that guards both gateways to both worlds. I don't really know what you call me. All I know is that my magic contains of gateway opening and protecting. You could call me a ghost but I'm not exactly that. Like I said I don't know what you would call me. In the living world  I create a chess board and both me and the oppent play if I win they lose there magic energy. I always win. It's safe to say that since I create the board. I could use my undead magic but it's to powerful and could jeopardize innocent people's lives. It does make my life easier however. I only use it scarcely in the living world. The under world has now problem with it. They are immune to the type of magic I have. I'm secretly in S.S.H.S. for the heart and protection I give out to both worlds. I never really tried out just Master Touma needed my help with Saracon. He has counted me in S.S.H.S.. However, we didn't want anyone to know about it so we never told anyone. It's always been between us. The Master has my thanks for putting me in such high position. The under world knows him very well. He is both highly respected in both worlds. That's what makes Master Touma special. I can't let him down I need to protect Saracon!   

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