Erasing The Pain And Damage From our lives

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(third POV)

They all sat in a room with Mari, who was sleeping on the bed. The master looked stone cold. Everyone was quiet. There was complete silence. No one moved. Riku couldn't help but just bursting out.
" I can't take this quiet room she needs to wake up who did this?" Riku asks.
" Riku..." Hana says.
"No this is not-"
"Riku! I suggest you hold your tongue when asked to." Master touma says firmly, interrupting Riku from saying any more.
"Okay master...." Riku says sadly.
The entire room went back to being dead silent. Mari turn her head on each side. It came to a stop. The Mari start to shake. The shake got violent. Everyone was nervous.
"Shadow's nightmares are here." Master Touma says.
"What does that mean?" Hana, Riku, and Niko all ask at the same time.
"She is ereasing a memory and the pain behind it I need everyone to leave immediately." Master Touma says.
"Why?" Riku asks.
" It brings out a darker deeper side of you now go and make sure everyone here in the guild house is underground." Master Touma says.
"I'm not leaving without you. Niko, Riku get out of here or I'll will make sure you pay the price." Hana says.
"We aren't leaving without you!" Niko says.
Hana throws a sword at them and the door.
"Master we will fight together." Hana says changing her form into a wolf form.
"Its to dangerous for you to be here you can't fight the shadows you risk killing her." Master touma says.
They hear Mari scream. Shadow appear and come after Master Touma and Hana. The shadows laugh and taunt. Hana cover her ears and started to scream and cry.
"Hana it's okay snap out of it! It your imagination." The Master says.
"I can't! I can't they are gonna kill me! They are here!" Hana says.
"That's not true. Focus!" The Master says.
"Kaito!" Hana says.
( Hana's POV)
"Hey Ha!" Kaito said to me.
"Hey Kai!" I saif back.
"Omg! Your hand!" Kaito said.
"Yeah it's just a scratch I got it from the guards." I said  trying not to feel any pain.
"It's okay I know it hurts." Kaito said.
"Kai!" I say falling into his arms.
I was so young then I loved him so much.
"Ha! Come here I found something!" Kaito said.
"What is it!" I said.
"It's a rock!" Kaito said.
"Don't touch it!" I said.
"It's a harmless rock what is it going to do!" Kaito said.
"It's dangerous." I said .
"It's a rock!" Kaito said cheerfully.
That smile made me so happy.
"Hana I have something to tell you!" Kaito said.
"What is it?" I said nervously.
"I love you!" Kaito said.
"I love you too!" I said.
He gave me a kiss and walked back from me. The rock he was holding exsploded and he died.
" nooooooooooo!!!!!!!" I screamed  and cried
(Thrid POV)
"Calm down it's over your safe!" Master Touma says.
The shadows disappear but Hana was scared. She is covering her ears and shaking.
"Hana it's okay!" Master Touma tries to tell her.
Mari wakes up in shock from seeing Hana. She sits up on the bed.
"Dad did I?" Mari asks hoping he knew what she was going to say.
"Yes! You did but we are going to fix it!" Master Touma says.
"I hope we can!" Mari says.
"She won't be like this for long." Master Touma says.
Hana rocks back and forth and still covers her ears breathing heavily. Changing her form back to normal. Niko and Riku come in and see her.
"Hana! Hana!" Niko says.
"Hana! Come on it's okay we are here!" Riku says smiling at her.
"Kai!" She says.
"Who is Kai?" Riku asks.
"A best friend of Hana's from childhood." Niko says. "She didn't come from a happy place in her childhood, they still called it Heartland for some reason."
"What do we do?" Riku asks.
"Well, you could kiss her." Niko says looking at him with sarcasm.
"Okay! Then you can kiss Kairi." Riku says smiling.
"I don't like her!" Niko says his face turning red.
"Well I don't like Hana either and I don't wanna kiss her." Riku says.
"Please! Stop! Just stop!" Hana says quietly.
"This isn't our Hana! She didn't throw a sword or punch us." Riku says.
"Yeah, you okay Hana?" Niko asks.
"I don't feel like doing anything anymore." Hana says.
A woman walks into the guild's house. Everyone is surprise by who it is.

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