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(Sora's POV)
I heard that a girl name Ren joined the guild. That name made me happier. When I came here I had no family members. My little sister disappeared. We are two years apart. I found her. For a moment, everything felt happier till I saw what happened. She came scared and beaten. I told her hi and she ran up and hugged me. I hugged her back. I miss my Re. She like music to my ears and I missed that part of her. Oh! I forgot to introduce my self and what I look like. I have black hair pale skin. I'm a guy and older version of my sister. Without the long hair and dress. My hair is short. I use gold magic instead of sliver. I can things into gold. I can create gold and even create an army of gold soliders.
"Here Ani~Chan this is for you!" Ren says smiling as she gives me a sliver mini solider.
"This is beautiful! It moves too." I tell her as I watch the solider.
"I'm glad you like it cause it has a tiny sliver key that unlocks something wonderful and it's permanent!" Ren smiles as she gives me a small sliver key.
I put on hand behind my back and create a gold solider necklace. I also created it with a key bracelet.
"Here you go, just use the key when you are in trouble and it will summon a gold solider that will be very explosive." I tell her as I give her the necklace and bracelet.
"The necklace has a number carved 3." Ren says curiously.
"You can use it 3 times so you have to use it in a desperate situation!" I tell Ren.
"So, the rest is permanent?" Ren asks me.
"Yes, it is!" I say hugging her.
"Thank you Sora!" Ren says.
"Thank you for your gift Ren!" I tell her as I'm still hugging her.
I'm glad she came back to me.

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