Safe House

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                                                                          Espositos POV

        I sat across from Bree, recording device in the middle, each of us holding a piece of Stefanos fresh basil and sausage pizza.

        "Detective Esposito, what do I have to do here?" Bree asked me, looking as scared as if she were in interrogation.

        "Just tell me what happened in the clearest detail you can, and please, just call me Esposito. Or Javier, whichever you prefer."

        She then told the entire story in vivid detail, which could be very helpful to our investigation. After taking her statement, it was tie for me to take her to the safehouse. As we were sitting in my car, Bree looked at me and had a question.

        "Where exactly am I going?"

        "You're going to a safehouse. You'll be put under protective custody, and I'll be the one in there with you. There will be some officers in unmarked cars around the house, watching for any possible threat." I explained in the simplest way I could.

        Seemingly satisfied with that answer, Bree went back to staring out the passenger side window. Pulling up to the driveway, I realized that Bree had fallen asleep. Not wanting to wake her up, I unbuckled her seat belt and picked her up. Carrying her into the house, I began to think.

        What could possible drive someone to make an attempt on a teenagers life, twice at that? 

        None of our usual motives seemed to suffice. Money? She was 13, and didn't even have a job. Revenge? After doing  background check, there wasn't a doubt i my mind, she was innocent as can be. Love? Highly unlikely. I lied her down in the bedroom, and returned to the living room to watch some T.V.

        No more than 20 minutes later, I heard a whimpering sound coming from the bedroom. I jumped up from the couch and sprinted to the bedroom. Sitting on the bed was Bree, with her knees pulled up to her chest, full out sobbing. I sat down beside her, slowly rubbing circles on her back. After about 5 minutes, the tears subsided and I was able to talk to her.

        "What just happened?" I asked as gently as possible. 

        The quivering girl in my arms took a deep breath before responding. 

        "I had a hallucination. They happen when I'm really tired. I haven't had one for about 2 years, but this one was bad. There was a man in the corner, the man who tried to strangle me. I knew he wasn't real; I tried to touch his arm and my hand wen't right through, but still, it really scared me."

        "I have an idea," I suggested. "I have some games in  my car. How about you and I go into the living room, and I'll kick your butt in Monopoly." 

        Bree gave me a shaky smile and shrugged her shoulders. 

        "Sure, why not, but Detective, I should warn you. I'm a very advanced Monopoly player." She agreed with notes of teasing in her still shaky voice.

        I ruffled her hair before standing up to go grab the classic bard game, which we would play into the wee hours of morning.

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