The Hospital

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                                                                            Lanies POV

        I sat next to Esposito in the hospital waiting room, desperately hoping for some good news about Bree. My knees were bouncing, my palms were clammy, and it was taking all my self control to keep me from bursting into tears. I haven't felt this nervous since Kate was shot a few years back.

        Esposito placed a hand on my knee, an calmly whispers "Lain, you're shaking."

        I let out a shaky sigh and apologize.

        "I'm sorry Javi, I just can't stand the thought of any long term damage happening to her. She never did anything wrong, and I feel like we've all grown so close to her that if anything were to happen, we wouldn't be able to handle it."

         I heard the unmistakable sound of the elevator opening, and glance up to see my best friend and her husband emerging. I stand up, and Kate runs into my arms and starts to cry. I hate seeing her in pain

        "Oh Kate, she's going to be okay. She's a strong girl, you and I both know that." I whisper into her mop of disheveled brown curls. 

        Kate just continued sobbing, and we stayed in our embrace until we heard the creak of the elevator doors once again. Out stepped Martha, Alexis, and Kevin and Jenny Ryan. Castle and Esposito got up to greet them, and for the next 10 minutes, all 8 of us stood there in a group hug, silently comforting each other. The moment ended when we heard a strangers voice catch all our attention.

        "Family of Bree Phillips?" The man asked.

        "Yeah, that's us. Is she going to be alright?" Castle answered for all of us, wiping his eyes and sniffling a few times.

        "My name is Dr. Davidson, I'm the one treating Miss Phillips. She's very lucky, you got her to us just in time. It was in fact cyanide poisoning, it was dissolved into whatever she drank last. We gave her the antidote, and she took extremely well to it. we expect her to make a full recovery, but we'll be keeping her overnight, just for observation. You can see her now if you'd like."

        We all let out a collective sigh of relief, and followed Dr. Davidson like chicks following a mother hen. All of us but Castle.

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