Soulmate AU

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Okay so @blueseacookies recommended me do a soulmate AU and I got ideas and well, here I am.

(Wow they recommended this so long ago...)


I glanced down at my wrist, which had a clock tattooed on. It counted down.


I only had about two more days until I met him. Or her. Preferably a guy, though. I'm gay.

Gods, I only have two days!

I'm actually late in finding my soulmate. Most of my friends found theirs years ago. I decided I would stay in my house the whole time and not go out for at least three days. That way I wouldn't have to ever meet him.

Or her. I reminded myself. I couldn't get my hopes up.

I went to my desk in the corner of my room and tried to draw something. It started out as a blooming flower, but as I got close to finishing it, it looked wilted. I sighed. After that, I got up and headed to the kitchen. It was noon and I was starting to get hungry. I opened up the fridge and groaned. I guess I'd have to leave the house after all.

The fridge was empty. There wasn't a thing there at all. I looked down at my wrist again. 51:29:11.

I still had over two days until I met him (or her) so maybe if I was quick I could go to the store and get some food.

I got in my car and started driving to Walmart. The traffic was really bad today. I was barely moving because of it. I honked at the car in front of me. Why weren't they moving? I tried to see ahead of the traffic. Was it.... a car crash? I couldn't tell.

I sighed and rested my head on the steering wheel. I was going to be here awhile. I waited for several hours in the same spot. I couldn't go back home because there was more traffic behind me.

I looked around me. Most of the other drivers were couples. A few were teens that hadn't found their soulmate yet. However, I was the only adult that was alone.

I felt a pang of sadness. Would I be alone forever? Then I pushed away all the emotions. If my soulmate was a woman, I wouldn't ever end up truly loving her so I might as well not get together with anyone.

Finally, the traffic started moving again. We had to drive around an area where, as I had suspected, a car accident had occurred. There were police roaming the area and taking notes on various things.

I looked at the cars, frowning. Was anyone hurt? I hoped not. Who's fault was it? Why did it happen? Did they have kids in the car with them? Or was it a teen driving?

I had been so focused on the car accident that when I crossed an intersection I didn't notice a driver that had been on her phone keep driving through a red light. I did notice the driver behind me slam on he brakes. However, I did notice when I heard a woman's scream. I looked up and didn't have enough time to scream before the woman who had screamed crashed into the side of my car.

My last thought before I blacked out was:

Schist. This is how I'm going to meet my soulmate.


Beep... beep... beep...

I groaned and blinked my eyes open. There was a nurse taking notes. She looked up at me.

My soulmate is female. My eyes started tearing up. I should've expected this. I got my hopes up. I shouldn't have done that.

"Oh. Good. You're awake. I'll go get your doctor." She left and I looked down at my wrist.


So it wasn't the nurse...

I waited a little bit before the doctor came in. He looked really nervous by the way he fiddled with his pen. I looked up at his face. But before my eyes could make their way to his face, they landed on his wrist, where six numbers were.


He was my soulmate.


Okay bye.

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