Not Out Yet

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Gods, I'm such an idiot. Why would I invite him over like this? I told him he could meet my parents. My parents don't even know he exists! In fact, my parents still think I'm straight!

I dreaded the evening when my boyfriend, Will, came over. He has had me over a lot so somewhere in my mind I decided it'd be a good idea if I invited him over to mine. It was not. I shouldn't have ever said it. It was all a mistake.

I put on a fake smile when he approached after school. We were seniors (12th grade) now, and had been dating for a year. I still haven't had him over yet. I'm that bad of a boyfriend.

"You ready?" He asked, beaming.

I swallowed. "Yeah. Lets go, I guess..."

He took my hand. "You lead the way."

All the way there I worried about my parents. Would they make it obvious that I wasn't out yet? What would Will think if he figured it out? Would my parents care? Schist, I've really messed this one up.

He sensed my nervousness and stopped walking. "Hey, Nico, I'm sure your parents are great people, okay? You don't need to worry at all."

"Um, yeah. Thanks."

He kissed my nose, and I think it was just so that he would see my cheeks turn red. He chuckled. "No matter how many times I do that, you always blush, don't you?"

A small smile crept onto my face. "Whatever."

I started walking again and soon we were on my porch. Will stopped me again. "Nico, you're still nervous... You are out to them, right?"

"Y-yeah. Of course." I stared at the ground.

"And you know that even if you weren't, I would still love you, right?" He said. "Plus, I could always just act like a friend if you need me to."

I looked up at him, "Can you?"

He smiled, "If that's what you want, of course."

I hugged him. "Thanks, Will."

"No problem."

I pulled away from him. Then I opened the door and led him inside. I yelled, "Mom? Dad? I'm... I'm home."

Hazel was the one to greet me first. She ran down the stairs and tackled me in a hug. "Nico! You'll never guess what ha-" she noticed Will. "Who's that? Is he your booooyfrieeeend?" She teased.

"Hazel, shush. Mom and Dad don't know yet. You have to be quiet."

Her eyes widened. "Wait he actually is? I was just joking! I didn't actually think..."

My mom came in. "Who's this?"

"This is Will."

Will waved. "Hi."

My mom smiled. "Nice to meet you. Would you like something to drink?"

"I'm fine, thanks."

"C'mon. Lets go up to my room." I said before it could get awkward.

We went upstairs and flopped onto my bed. He took my hand again. "You didn't have to invite me if you were worried about them."

"I know. I just... you've had me over so many times and you've never even seen my house so I felt guilty and then I just blurted it out and I don't regret it but I still worried because-" He pulled me close to himself, making me stop.

"You shouldn't have felt guilty." He said.

We sat in silence for awhile. Then Hazel came in and sat on the floor in front of us. It was like she was waiting for us to say something. After she saw that we weren't going to, she said, "Well then. Looks like you two have decided to be extra awkward today. How about you go downstairs and play a board game or something?" She got a mischievous look on her face.

I rolled my eyes. "Hazel, don't even think about it."

"Think about what?" She asked innocently.

"Yeah, think about what?" Will asked.

"It's just an old thing I liked as a kid. It's nothing big."

"It's like Pokémon but it wasn't very well known. Nico was obsessed." Hazel grinned.

Will perked up. "Nico? Pokémon?"

Hazel nodded enthusiastically, and Will grinned. "I want to see the game."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

They practically dragged me downstairs and Hazel got the shoeboxes that I kept all my cards and figurines in. She opened them and revealed all my neatly packed Mythomagic things. Will grinned and pulled out a card. It said "ATHENA: +100 knowledge, 3000 attack" and had a picture of the goddess. Will chuckled.

My dad came in. "Nico? Your mother and I need to talk to you."

I nodded. "I'll be right back, guys."

They nodded and kept looking at the cards. I followed my dad into the kitchen, where my mom was waiting. "Nico, we need to talk."

A/N: How'd you like it?

Jk jk that's not the end. I'm not that mean. Keep reading.

"About what?" I asked, suddenly getting nervous.


"What? Is something wrong?"

"No! No. Nothing's wrong. We just... maybe we made assumptions too quickly. But..."


"Is Will your boyfriend?"

I tensed.

"Again, maybe we're wrong, and that's completely fine, but when you were younger you talked about dating boys, and I thought I overheard Hazel say something, and you two seem to love each other..."

I looked between them. "Are... are you okay with it?"

"Of course! Yes! We completely support you and we're proud of you and..."

I tackled them in a hug. "Thank you so much!"

When I pulled away, my mom smiled and said, "Go back and kiss your boyfriend."

I blushed, "Mom!"

I turned around and saw Will standing in the doorway, grinning. When he realized he had been caught, he coughed and said, "Uh, sorry. I just came in to get a glass of water. And, you know, I didn't want to interrupt."

My mom nudged me and I realized she wasn't joking. She honestly wanted to see me kiss Will. I rolled my eyes and walked up to him. I went on my tiptoes and kissed his nose, causing his face to go red. I got my revenge.

Eh that ending was cringe worthy but I can't expect it to be perfect I guess. Plus, I got this idea about ten minutes ago and then wrote it so like that was fun.

Word count: 1050 words

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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