Wings [The Oneshot]

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This is pretty badly written but I like the topic so I'm going to post it when I get the chance.


I walked into the apartment and immediately went into the bathroom. I had to take medicine to hide my wings from Will. We've been together for three years now but I still haven't shown him them.

What if he hates me? Or thinks I'm a monster? Or both?

No, I wouldn't show him.

I searched through the medicine cabinet and was surprised to find that it wasn't there. I looked behind me and saw that my wings were becoming slightly visible. I swore. What happened to the medicine that hides them?!

I went into my bedroom. Maybe I left it in there?

I found Will sitting on my bed. He was staring down at something. I froze in the doorway. It was the medicine! I went back to the bathroom. How was I going to hide them now? He had the only thing that could keep them invisible!

I was starting to panic. What would he think of my wings? Would he kick me out? I sure hoped not; I had nowhere to go.

I nearly had a heart attack when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Will, still holding the medicine in his hand.

"Nico, what is this for?"

His eyes landed on my slightly-transparent wings and his eyes widened. " did you...?"

I swallowed and looked around for an escape. There wasn't a window and he was blocking the door...

I moved to his side so that he had to move out of the doorway to face me. He did so subconsciously and I sprinted out of the bathroom.

I should've never fallen in love, it just caused problems.

"Wait! Nico, come back!"

I fumbled with the apartment door. I forgot I had locked it when I came in. I backed up against it and looked around the room for the keys.

"Nico, where in Hades did you get wings?!" I could tell he was scared. We both were.

Finally I spotted the keys. They were on the counter. I ran over and was about to grab them when I felt Will grab my hand.

"Nico, please, don't go. I'm not mad. I just want to know how you've managed to hide your wings from me for three years. And... I'd also like to know the story behind them. After you explain some things, you can leave if you really want to, but I still love you no matter what, okay? You're still my Nico."

I was trembling. I've never shown anyone my wings, and even now I didn't do it on purpose. I wondered what he was thinking.

"Will, I'm so sorry, I was scared of what you would say or do..." I whimpered.

He pulled my into a hug. "It's okay, Nico. I love you."

That helped calm my nerves a tiny bit, but it was enough for me to be able to answer his questions.

He sat down on the couch and patted the spot next to him so I'd sit down as well. I did so and then started, "I-I was born with them. There's a lot of us but we're all in hiding. We drink that medicine to get rid of our wings so we blend in and no one can tell that we're.... we're monsters."

"Don't say that."

"Say what?"

"That you're a monster. You're not a monster. If anything, you're an angel."

I blushed and looked down at my feet. "O-okay. So I've been taking the medicine to hide them from you because I-I was scared of what you'd say, and I didn't want to lose you..."

"You won't lose me." He pulled me closer to him and I relaxed.

"Thank you so much, Will. I love you."

"I love you too, darling." He kissed my forehead.

I should've showed him my wings a long time ago.

Hey everyone. I've been needing to update this for about a bajillion years. Oh well.

Word count: 666 words

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