(1)When you met them

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You were sitting in your motel room a couple days after finishing on your case for a simple salt and burn. You started packing your stuff, including your hunting gear and checked out of your room to get to a different case that you found. As you were putting your stuff in your car, your friend called out to you.

"(Y/n)?", she asked, going around your car to get a look at you better.

"Yep, thats me!", you replied as you walked over to hug her. "So, how have you been (f/n)?", you asked after letting go of her.

"Well, nothing much, I decided to move here and I even have a job at that café.",(f/n) replied pointing to the café.

"Oh that great, but sorry I can't stay here, I have to go somewhere else.", you said apologetically. You hugged her and waved goodbye. When you got in your car, you drove off playing your favorite classic rock songs.

Your case was a vamp nest in Wyoming, so you stopped by at South Dakota to see Bobby Singer. He taught you about the supernatural world when your family was killed by some demons. Bobby would often tell you about the Winchester brothers, but you haven't met them because of your few visits.

"Hey Bobby, you home?", you knocked, but Bobby wasn't the one who opened the door, it was the handsome, green eyed, Winchester that answered the door. That was how you met the famous Winchesters.

*Time skip*

"So you guys are the famous Winchester brothers that everyone talks about?", you asked, taking a sip from your beer.

"Yeah we are. We came for the hunt with the vamps.", Dean replied.

"I think you boys should team up with (Y/n) here, she's a good hunter. There's probably lots of vamps so you better watch out.", Bobby said.

Jealous - A Dean Winchester X Reader Fic  (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now