(3)Leaving your ex

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"So you're trying to get back with me?" you asked (E/n) in an annoyed tone.

"Yes, and I'm sorry for everything bad I did to you. Will you forgive me?" he apologized.

"Okay, I forgive you, but can we talk tomorrow in the morning at the café though 'cause I have some friends here" you say.

You turned around to Sam and Dean after (E/n) left, but Dean was already at the pool tables, collecting money from people.

"What was that about?" Sam asked, making you look away from Dean.

"Oh, that." you say smirking "Well, you see I'm trying to leave (E/n) with a little bit of hope that I might get back with him, so tomorrow I will say that I like someone else." you explained yourself.

"Wow, you are so evil (Y/n)" Sam laughed and Dean came back with a wad of cash.

"Hey, are we going back now? I'm pretty tired." you say, but you couldn't help but smirk thinking of tomorrow.

"Yeah, me too. Lets go back." Sam agreed.

*Time skip*

When you got back to the motel, you collapsed on the couch and instantly fell asleep. Sam and Dean got in after you, putting their duffel bags down.

"Looks like she really was tired." Dean chuckled softly.

"Yeah, and so am I." Sam said and got onto his bed.

Dean was in bed after a few minutes but he couldn't fall asleep. He was lost in in his own thoughts, but he snapped out of it when he heard shuffling. He slowly grabbed his gun and checked the room.

"Dean! Jesus Christ you scared me!" you shrieked and slapped Dean's shoulder.

"(Y/n)? I thought you were asleep." Dean whisper yelled.

"No, I woke up a couple minutes ago and got up to get a drink of water." you explained.

"Oh, ok then." Dean replied as he headed back to his bed. "You know" he added "You can switch places if you want. Or do you want to share?" he wiggled his eyebrows and you giggled.

To be honest, you were blushing, but you hoped he wouldn't notice it in the dark room.

"No, thank you pretty boy, but maybe next time." you whispered.

"Okay then, your choice." Dean said softly. This time, he was able to fall asleep.

*Next morning*

You were woken up from your dream to someone shaking you softly.

"Hey (Y/n), wake up." the voice said.

Your (E/c) eyes fluttered open and they met a pair of beautiful apple green ones.

"Good morning" you say yawning. You get up, taking some clothes to the shower.

After a quick shower, you dried your hair and put it into french braids. You wear your skinny jeans, a (f/c) tank top and a matching flannel. You get out and see Sam just waking up.

"Sleep well?" you giggled and Sam just nodded. He rubbed his eyes and blinked.

"Oh, look at you, that eager to see your ex?" Sam asked jokingly. Then you heard a door slamming shut.

"Looks like Dean is jealous about you, huh (Y/n)?" Sam chuckled and your face went red with wide eyes.

"N-no he's probably just angry or something." you nervously replied.

"Yeah, that's something." Sam smirked. Then he got serious all of a sudden. "I can tell you like him, (Y/n). You should just go talk to him." Sam told you.

"Maybe some other day." you replied sadly.

*Time skip*

"Alright, so we are going to meet here." you assure.

All of you head inside the small cafe, observing your surroundings. When you spot
(E/n), you tell the boys to choose a table and walk towards him.

"Hi (E/n)." you  say as you sit down at the seat across from him.

"Oh hey (Y/n)." he muttered.

"Look, we need to talk. I know you want to get back with me but I'm sorry. You can go have another girlfriend if you want, but I like someone else. Bye,
(E/n)." you try to explain.

You walk away from his table to go back to where Sam and Dean were sitting. When you looked at Dean, his head was hung low in disappointment. Then when you looked over at Sam, you could see that he was barely holding in his laughter. After (E/n) walked out of the café, you and Sam burst out laughing, causing Dean to look up in suprise.

"Oh my god (Y/n), you should've seen the look on his face!" Sam said through laughter.

"I did, I was right in front of him!" you exclaimed.

"Um, what are you guys talking about?" Dean asked with a puzzled look, making you and Sam laugh even more.

"Oh I'll tell you when I calm down!" you continued laughing but your laughter slowly died down.

"Well, you see, (Y/n) here wanted to ask what's his face to the café because she-" Sam started explaining but you cut him off.

"Because I wanted to tell him that I like someone else and that I moved on from him." you finished Sam's sentence.

Then Dean smirked, but when he realised that you said you liked someone else and he wanted to know who.

"So who's the lucky man?" Dean asked, looking straight into your (e/c) eyes.

Jealous - A Dean Winchester X Reader Fic  (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now