Chapter 2

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    Lance's sight was slowly fading as he heard a faint knock on his door. The blue paladin was still hyperventilating and trying to deal with claustrophobia, so he was in no condition to yell or answer the door.
     "Lance," Keith. It was obviously Keith, but why? Why did he come? Then he heard him speak again, though it was faint,as his brain was having problems comprehending what was happening around him.
     "Lance, open the door." But he couldn't. The brunette was having trouble breathing, let alone standing. He was stuck sitting on the floor next to his bed. He needed to communicate somehow, so he gasped out the words, "I....Can't..." in an unbelievably breathy voice.
    Keith took that as a sign that something was really wrong. So, he took out his bayard and started stabbing the door,  doing everything in his power to get it open. It seems that the other paladins heard the ruckus, because Shiro, Hunk and Pidge soon made their ways to Lance's bedroom, ready to help Keith break the door.
    As they attempted to get his door open, Lance was trying his best to stay conscious. He was doing everything in his power. He bit his tongue, pulled his hair, slapped himself. He was trying. For the others.
    Finally, they got Lance's door open, only to see the blue paladin in the worst condition he could be in. The boy was shaking violently, tears streaming and leaving trails down his face. He was pulling at his hair and breathing in spurts. 
    At first, they could do nothing but look at their companion with terror.  What had he been through that was so bad?  But after a bit,  they realized he would break completely if they didn't do something.  They had to be careful, too.
     The first to step up was Shiro, being the dad he always was, and tried to calm Lance down. He slowly took a few steps toward the boy,  bending down so they were eye level.
    "Lance... please, talk to us. Calm down,  we can help you." Hunk joined in next,  immediately going over and hugging his childhood friend. Lance seemed to thaw even the slightest bit into his friend's warm embrace,  as he loosened the grip on his hair and seemed to have steadier breathing.
    "Please, buddy," Hunk said,  pulling Lance in a bit tighter. Pidge and Keith them made their ways over to the others. Pidge joined the bear hug, Keith ruffled Lance's hair,  and Shiro put a hand on his shoulder,  all of them saying reassuring things to Lance.


     After awhile,  they finally got Lance to calm down,  so that he was only muttering quiet things to himself like 'it hurts' and 'save me', but that was it.
     The other paladins backed up and gave him some air as he continued to cry. "I-I'm... sorry for c...causing trouble," Lance apologized as he continued to cry.
     "Lance," Shiro started,  giving him a reassuring look. "It's not your fault.  We just want to know what happened,  so we can help you. " Everyone else joined in with some yeahs and pleads.
     The brunette glanced around,  body stiff,  but not as much before,  as he fought back more tears. "U-Uhm... my... my uh..." He kept stuttering,  and Keith was becoming impatient.
     "Hurry up,  spit it ou-" "Keith!  Let him be." Shiro scolded. Keith didn't think much into it,  so he just scoffed.  Lance then took a deep breath,  though shaky,  and exhaled.
    "M-my family.... all of t-them were... killed..."

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