Chapter 11

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When Lance awoke,  he found himself in his boyfriend's bedroom.  He covered his eyes as a shield from the bright light before looking down,  only to be greeted by Keith's sleeping face.  Lance stroked his raven hair lightly,  in order to wake him up.

"Hey, man," Lance said, quietly, as his partner awoke.  When Keith saw that Lance was up,  he was ecstatic. He jumped into Lance's lap,  giving him a big hug.

"L-Lance! I'm so sorry!  This is all my fault a-and I should've been there, I'm so, so sorry-"

"Shhh, you did nothing wrong,  Keith.  Why are you blaming yourself?  Usually, i-it's my fault... But this time,  it wasn't anybody's! It was a series of events caused by each person's actions on this ship.  It was destined to happen,  Keith.  Don't blame yourself,  please?" Keith stared Lance in his crystal blue eyes.

"Okay..." Keith hugged Lance a bit tighter.  After about a minute,  he let go and smiled. "Maybe you should take a shower.  You were in the pod for a while."

Lance nodded,  swinging his legs off of the bed. "Holy shit..." His entire body was covered in scars,  but one specific one stood out.  There was a huge scar that stretched from his left shoulder to his right hip. Lance looked like he might cry.

Keith looked solemnly at his boyfriend. "Baby, I'm sorry." Keith put a hand on his shoulder.  Lance didn't respond,  only nodded and proceeded to stand up and walk to the bathroom without another word.


When Lance walked out,  he still said nothing to Keith.  He was still in shock of what they did to his body.  But Keith was furious. Those bastards beat Lance for absolutely no reason.  They had nothing to gain by hurting him.  And the one thing that Lance ever took pride in was his perfect complexion,  his body.  And now,  he couldn't even do that.  He wouldn't even look Keith in the eye.


"I-I don't wanna talk about it..." Uh oh.  That was bad.  Keith knew that he wouldn't talk about anything unless he was forced,  but he didn't want to push him.

"Ok,  that's fine. But shouldn't we go tell the others that you're awake?" Keith changed the subject.  Lance nodded. 

Keith stood and took Lance by the hand,  smiling.  Lance just looked at the ground and started walking,  squeezing Keith's hand tight. He was still a bit too anxious to walk the ship halls alone.

The couple found the ready of the ship's residents in the kitchen.  Hunk asked them to try a bunch of foods that he'd stress baked. They were all fantastic, but they were full.

"H-Hey, guys..." All eyes were on Lance once he said those words.

"Lance!" Hunk and Pidge ran up and hugged the boy as tight as possible.  The Garrison trio in one happy group hug.  Shiro,  Allura and Coran smiled brightly as they watched the three youngest in one happy embrace. Keith saw that Lance was smiling,  but it wasn't his real smile.  Pidge and Hunk noticed too, but they didn't pry. That was a conversation for later.

Let's just be one,  big,  happy family for now. Even if our happiness is false.


Hey ny'all I'm not dead,  I'm sorry that I've been dead but i write to procrastinate and since school is starting soon,  I'll be writing a lot more.  But two questions.

1) Sad or Happy ending?

2) Should i write some Musical fics?? Like DEH or BMC stuff like that???

And also, only like 1 or 2 chapters until the end, be ready lmao

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