Chapter 4

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As the princess led the paladins to wherever they were going,  they all seemed tense.  They had no idea what to expect.  They were having second thoughts, other than Hunk,  who was completely prepared to be there and understand his friend's pain.

Eventually, they found themselves in the kings quarters, Allura and Coran reminiscing about the pictures on the walls. Many of them were young Allura sitting on her father's shoulders and Coran standing nearby,  smiling brightly.  It was comforting,  to say the least.

But that didn't much matter to the paladins right now.  Lance was almost asleep,  barely able to keep his eyes open,  and the others were, without question,  extremely worried about their fellow paladin.

Finally,  they found themselves sitting down on the floor,  right in front of the kings bed. "Uh, princess..." Shiro started,  looking around. "Why here?"

Allura nodded,  smiling softly. "We have found that every set of paladins have had their bonds be stronger in this room.  So I found it appropriate to have this happen in here.  My father's room." Her eyes were sad,  but reassuring at the same time.

The paladins nodded,  before noticing that Lance was completely awake and alert,  unlike he was a few minutes ago.

"G'morning, Lance," greeted Pidge, trying to lighten the mood. It worked because Lance let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding and smiled slightly.

"Allura," he was staring at the ground. "Are we gonna do that mind invasion thing...?" The princess nodded and Lance tensed.  Hunk knew why,  but said nothing,  as he wad content to let Lance make this decision.

After a moment of thinking it over,  Lance finally nodded.  Allura handed out the devices and they all put them around their heads.

"Now, Lance, you don't need to be... awake... for this to work." Coran announced,  looking nervous.  Lance shook his head as a, 'no it's fine' gesture.  The elder altean nodded and activated the machines.

All the paladins and Alteans relaxed,  their thoughts being displayed for all eyes to see.  Pidge was thinking about her family, Hunk was thinking about what to make for dinner, Keith was thinking about training, Shiro was thinking about Black, and Coran and Allura were thinking about their time back on Altea.

"Alright everyone, " Allura broke the silence,  voice shaky. "We are all about to look into Lance's mind, so everyone else,  open your eyes after you go in."

Everyone obediently did what they were told, and were mortified at what they were greeted with.  They saw fire,  whole lot of it.  There were Galran soldiers everywhere,  shooting at anything that breathed.

Soon,  the screen was focused on three young women,  a pair of teenage twins, both boys,  and five young children. Lance's family, everyone thought at once.

"¡Mamá! ¡La abuela estaba atrapada en las llamas! ¡No se mueve"  None if them spoke Spanish, so there were subtitles at the bottom. It said, "Mommy! Granny was caught in the flames! She's not moving!"

Not long after that was said, the twins were shot in unison, hands interlocked. One of the young women screamed, tears streaming down her face.

"Antonio! Mateo! My sons! No!" She cried. Barely a second passed before a Galran soldier grabbed her by the throat, slitting it with a small blade.

"Sister!" "Mommy!" "Auntie, no!" The others screamed, trying to get away and run out of the flames. Sadly, that  not come a reality, as they were all caught and murdered swiftly, the soldiers not even blinking an eye. With that, the McClain family was extinct. All but one. Lance.

Each person who had just witnessed that handled it in different ways. Hunk hugged Pidge, who was shaking and sobbing uncontrollably. Shiro looked away, not able to bear watching any more. Keith stared in disbelief. He didn't understand how Lance felt and he never would but he wanted to help. Allura and Coran on the other hand understood all too well and were ready to be there for Lance.

Just as they were all about to say something, something rang out in each person's mind that made them each so... depressed.

Lance's thoughts.

They watched as the boy shook and sobbed, hugging his knees for dear life.  In their heads,  they heard what he was thinking.

I'm a useless idiot. A terrible son,  brother,  cousin, friend,  and most of all, a terrible pilot.  It should've been me who died in their place, the Galra are my fight,  not theirs. If only I was killed,  I'm replaceable. I'm the worst out of all the paladins,  all I am is a stupid flirt who makes terrible jokes.  I'm not needed,  all I do it's cause trouble.

I'd be better off dead.

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