Chapter 3

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A silver number 7 is engraved in the wooden door. From the outside, Seulgi heard nothing but silence. Unlike all the other cabins that she passed, some doors open wide and Seulgi managed to take a glimpse on the inside, and she found out all the decorations and designs were different. But the other cabins are still buzzling with people here and there, but why not this cabin.

She pondered to herself in front of the cabin for a few moments. Taking deep lengthy breath to steady herself as she her palm starts to get sweaty for no reason. Her right hand reached for the doorknob and slowly she twist.

She was greeted with a hallway view, and the first thing that came to her mind was, bright.

The cabin has different background colours on each wall-bright, bright colours. The floor tiles itself was white, but it was artistically splashed and blotted with a variety of red, blue, yellow, green-in other words, rainbow-like colours.

Seulgi closed the door behind and observe the quiet cabin. There were only two doors, one on the left and the other on the right. With baby steps, she stood in between the two doors. Both doors have a rainbow pattern and a pair of wings hovering over an unknown face rooted on the door. The only difference is the left is for the boys, and the right is for the girls-for Seulgi.

Seulgi stared down at the cracks underneath the door-no trace of light. Are they asleep already? Seulgi wondered. She twisted the handle door slowly and peek her head inside, to feel sudden drowsiness. She also find two girls sitting on the floor, legs folded with a saucer on their palms and two standing candles.

"Kang Seulgi?" one of the girl whispered, looking quite eager and curious at the same time.

Seulgi nodded and make her way in. The sudden air of drowsiness still hung above her and she shook her head vigorously to get rid of it, before approaching the two girls.

"I'm Solar," the girl who whispered her name earlier hold out her hand, "and this is Byul." The girl beside Solar, Byul, shook Seulgi's hand with a toothy grin. "I'm sorry we couldn't welcome you in a more festive manner. It's already past those two bedtime, so yeah." Solar bowed her head a little with an apologetic look.

"You're still unknown, right? The wind told me," Byul whispers in her husky voice, "but don't worry. I'm sure you'll know who your mom-"

"Dad," Solar corrected.

"-dad is," Byul puts up an 'ok' signal to Seulgi.

"That's your bed over there, your clothes and other things are all in that closet," Solar pointed out at the single bed on her left, an iris blue sheets and rainbow-coloured blankets. That's it, this cabin is all rainbows and sleepiness, Seulgi thought to herself.

"You can go and settle yourself, and once you're done, let's talk for a bit, okay?" Byul signalled the pose 'Ok'and Seulgi replies with a smile.

Although the room was only lit with two candles, she can still see the multiple nicely folded navy blue pants and white collared shirts in one stack. Her toiletries were also placed in one small carrier bag and a bright orange towel hung above. An oval shaped mirror placed on the right door of her closet and she saw herself and almost yelp.

Her hair was slightly dishevelled and sticking in odd ways, probably because she slept in the car or something earlier, her face looks slightly bloated somehow and her eyes-well her eyes remain the same. The mirror reflects the two other girls behind her, sleeping soundlessly, blankets draped over their head and Seulgi looked at them in a curious manner.

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