Chapter 14

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They sat on the floor as they each took a slice of pepperoni pizza from the box. Irene decided to call for the delivery earlier since she doesn't feel like cooking – not that she doesn't know how. And eating pizza supposedly could make one happier, plus when you have more people around you.

But all the five of them were eating in silence. Even Joy the talkative prankster is munching her pizza straight while her eyes darts everywhere but at Seulgi and Irene. Yeri on the other hand, was smiling sheepishly at the two while Wendy nudged her to focus on the food.

Wendy clears her throat, "So, uh... where is the entrance currently located? Is it nearby?"

All of them look up at Irene expectantly, who almost choke while swallowing her pizza as she suddenly realize their real reason. "Mr K told me its somewhere at Apsan Park. It's not really close, but it's not that far either."

"Ooh, Apsan Park!" Yeri squealed, "I've been there with my dad before. There's a small amusement park over there, right?"

"Yeah, but people don't usually go there for that," Irene replied, "Anyway, I gotta give you guys, this..."

Irene reached for her duffel bag and rummaged the insides. That bag may look small, but only Gods know how many stuff was in it. From books to make up accessories and even Seulgi's own golden bow could fit inside that bag – perks of having Hephaestus children making things for you.

"There you are," Irene took out a familiar rectangular case, open it revealing the cube size ambrosia, "You guys take one each, just in case we got separated." Irene handed out to each of them and Seulgi flinched when their skin touch, earning a knowing snigger from Joy.

Although they were a bit weary, especially after facing that bed-lover Poly earlier, they know they still had to train a little bit here and there for tomorrow. All of them were unsure what they would face tomorrow, so they better get prepared – physically and emotionally.

And here they were, outside at the patch of green of Irene's house, with Seulgi trying to aim the apple on top of Yeri's head. The kid was being forced by Joy to become a volunteer and now she's fidgeting from time to time, making the apple toppled to the ground, and making it hard for Seulgi to aim.

"Don't move!" Joy ordered, "Seulgi is the most capable archer in Apollo's cabin. She won't hit your face. Trust me."

The other two on the other hand, was sitting on the ground away from those three, as they scan a couple of books, searching for certain information.

"I don't think there's any book that states how to wake up Thanatos," Wendy sighed, as she flipped from page to page, "I think you have to do it."

"Me?" Irene asked in confound, "What can I do about it—wait don't tell me I need to charmspeak?"

"By the looks of it, that's the only resort." Wendy shrugs.

"But Thanatos isn't a mortal. He's a God." Irene emphasize, "I don't think my charmspeak would affect a God – if it was my mother, it probably will but I'm just a demigod, Wendy."

Wendy nods and sighs as she stares ahead to the three of them who were lying on their back, they had just done a sit-up battle. A sudden thought dawn in Wendy's mind as she saw Seulgi closing her eyes. "How silly of me! Why haven't I thought about it at all!"

"What are you ranting about?" Irene asked seeing the lit up expression of the girl beside her.

"Thanatos is being put to sleep, right?"

"Uh-huh," Irene still unable to relate things.

"Who puts him into sleep?" Wendy hints.

"Hypnos," Irene quickly answers and after a few seconds her face brights up, "Hypnos!"

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