Chapter 10

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"So you knew all along that I was a demigod?!"

The tree of them were sitting at the rounded table while Seulgi munched the croissant with round eyes, surprised that Wendy actually knew, that Seulgi was a demigod. And—Wendy, too—is one.

"The first time you step in into this bakery, I have this feeling about you," Wendy squinted her eyes at Seulgi as she taps the table, "but I can't put a finger on it. But that one morning, on your birthday, I came to realized what you are."


"Your scent."

"When a demigod reaches a certain age, they will release a scent that are able to detect," Irene interjects as she sips her warm cocoa, "It'll get stronger if you knew you are a demigod." Seulgi nodded profusely and starts to sniff herself, curiously wondering how she smells. Can a demigod smell the scent of another demigod, or is it just the monst—



"—speaking of monsters," Wendy had her eyes rolled above as if to recall something, "I found out that you were a demigod because I saw kerkopes trailing you from behind."

"A what?"

"Kerkopes are these tiny gnome-dwarfs who like to steal stuff from you," Wendy explains while Seulgi gap at the new info, "I saw them stealing your MP3 player from your tracksuit pocket while you were jogging."

"What?" Seulgi, surprised and wondering how did she not realized. No wonder—and although it has been months since her MP3 player was lost, and here Seulgi thought she had misplaced it somewhere in her room.

"How can you not notice?" Irene furrowed her eyebrows at Seulgi, who scratch her head and shrugs confusedly, earning a chuckle from Wendy.

"Believe me, Irene. As far as I know Seulgi," Wendy throws a knowing smile at Seulgi who was wiping her mouth with her sweater's sleeves, till Irene brought out a tissue from her duffle bag, "she is quite a carefree person so small things like that, usually remains unnoticed. Right, Kkangseul?"

"Huh? What?"

"She's dense—more like it." Irene rolls her eyes.

As they talk a little more, Seulgi found out that Wendy is a slightly different demigod. Well, like Seulgi and Irene plus all the other campers she know, all of them are direct daughters or sons of one of the Major or the Minor Gods. But Wendy is a demigod's daughter—well her mom is an Athena's child, which makes Wendy, a grandchild of Athena. Wow, mindblown, Seulgi thought to herself.

"So, who was the camper that Baekhyun wants to celebrate at, back then?" Wendy asked, looking back to forth between Irene and Seulgi, "Baek said it was for a celebration campfire—Wait, was it for you?"

Seulgi points at herself and look questioningly back at Wendy, "Me?"

"You helped him smuggle that vodka in?" Irene slaps Wendy arm, who pouts while rubbing her arm, "You know you could get reprimand by the Higher-Ups if they found out about this."

"But you were there," Seulgi stated the fact, remembering once again that night where she still despise the taste of the mixed vodka on her tongue, "You drank it too."


"Ah-hah!" Wendy claps her hand, overjoyed for Irene has been caught, "Now I'm not really much at fault am I? Anyways, I was just trying to help a friend once in a while. Please let this go once, okay?"

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