Chapter 13

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Seulgi crashed into one of the shelves for the 2nd time as she was being thrown by the lunatic salesman, Poly. Her back ache and there was already a cut on her forearm as she had entangled with the giant size guy, and he had clawed her before hurling her away.

The girls were still bounded and being stretched by those ropes, and their muffling pained voice pierce Seulgi's insides, especially Irene's who was shrieking and yelling in pain. Poly on the other hand was clapping like a kid who got his favourite cotton candy. Definitely, a lunatic, Seulgi thought as she crawled her way.

"Seulgi!" Joy managed to lift up her head from those bounded ropes, her face stricken in pain, "Come here quickly!"

With that, Seulgi quickly staggered to Joy, ignoring the ache behind her back and reached the girl's side. Poly remains unmoved as he was busy enjoying Irene being pulled and tear.

"T-There's a dagger..." Joy breathlessly spoke as her eyes trailed inside her pocket, "its i-in a po-pouch...quick!"

Seulgi fished inside Joy's patch pocket and felt a small leather pouch before pulling it out. "Untie one of my hands and legs and I'll do the rest." Seulgi nodded and swiftly took the small yet pointy dagger, slicing it up to one of the moving ropes on Joy's right wrist. As she was halfway finished, Seulgi heard Poly yelled before storming towards her.

Seulgi was done cutting the ropes on Joy's wrist when she felt hands wrapping her waist, lifting her up with an angered groan. She wriggled side to side before elbowing Poly straight at his face, resulting the latter releasing her from his grip as he bellowed in pain. She then dashed for her backpack which was tossed aside during her previous tangled with Poly.

She slid her backpack firmly once more on her shoulders before seeing Joy, who was already up and about—floating – as she headlock the taller guy, attempting to choke him. Seulgi noticed the dagger used to cut Joy's rope was left on the bed and Seulgi quickly scramble towards it – pick it up – and released Yeri before scurrying over to Irene who was already pale in the face.

The rope was somehow tighter and the quality much better as Seulgi tried hard to cut the ropes with the sharp dagger but to no avail. And listening to Irene's half sob made her felt more useless and desperate to let the beauty go. But a few moments later, a struck of sound was heard and immediately – the white ropes untie and release itself from Irene's wrists and ankles. Seulgi turned behind to see Yeri's hand downwards at the handle of one of the machine – which supposingly controlled the ropes.

Irene was breathless as she slowly gained her composure, massaging her wrist for a while before her eyes glared straight at the lunatic salesman. Seulgi took a step behind as she felt somewhat a different aura from the beauty, as she stood up, slowly walking towards the yelping guy, who by now is still being headlock and hit in the head countless time by Joy, and legs being tightly clasped by Wendy, holding him still.

"You..." Irene murderously whispers, as she stood in front of Poly, "You lunaticcheaterfilthy little half breed."

Irene signalled the girls to let go of Poly before kicking him straight in the stomach, knocking the winds out of him as he lands in the bed. "Yeri! Push that handle upwards!"

Without any hesitation, Yeri pushed the red handle upwards and new set of fine ropes starts to spew out once more – only this time – it bounds its inventor.

"No! No!" Poly yelled as he struggles with the ropes, "I invent this! I can't perish in my invention!"

"Well, too bad..." Irene mutters in a mocking way, "Because your invention is going to tear you apart. Just like what you almost did to me, and the rest, Polypemon. And this goes for trying to lure me with your stupid bed."

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