Chapter 6

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The last time she got lectured by her mom was because she didn't throw away the many empty Pringles can which she made it like a domino game on the floor. And that was just not more than 2 minutes lecture plus a small threaten to ban her from eating Pringles for 1 week—which didn't happen.

And now, this beauty is preaching her on all sorts of things and all Seulgi notice is how cute the way she talks.

The way her brows furrowed in an irritably adorable way

The way her brown orbs doesn't seem cold but a different emotion flicks before it

The way her nose twitch in annoyance

The way she's—

"Seulgi," Irene snapped her fingers, "Yah—Kang Seulgi !"

"Huh?" Seulgi snaps to reality and seeing Irene folding her arms, looking displeased, "what?"

"Did you listen to what I just said to you?"


"What do you think you were doing yesterday?" Irene's voice sounded dangerously low, "Running to the forest, chasing the boar—and it's not just any wild boar—it's the Erymanthian boar from the gods-damn underworld!"

"I was jus—"

"Just what? Trying to be heroic?" Irene pushed on as her nostrils flare, "Trying to show to that Ares dude that you're something?"

"What? No—I – it's nothing like that," Seulgi denied, quite dazed at the reasoning, "it's just that—I saw the other Apollo kids with bows on their hands, running to the forest. It was tempting. It was like a call, so I just—went after them ?"

Irene didn't say anything and still eyed her suspiciously. Her jade brown eyes observe her—probably thinking if Seulgi made a false statement or anything, because Seulgi doesn't know why but she felt like Irene has the ability to detect a person who is lying. Adding on with her charmspeak power, that's some frightening abilities thinking back.

"...Anyways, isn't it good, since I went to the forest, my father claimed me," Seulgi tried to give a positive remark, hoping the blazing beauty would tone down her stony glare for a bit.

Irene rolls her eyes before heaving a sigh, her folded arms come undone and she sat on the bed, making Seulgi's heart beat crazily once more as they were at a quite close distance within each other. Irene then lifts her right arm, highlighting the bracelet with three beads on her wrist. Odd.

"This bracelet is given by Mr K after I did my first mission. I've went to 3 missions so far that's why there's only 3 of these," Irene explains, "And this missions aren't just some small pesky things like picking up a demigod. We face things much more worse than the boar you faced yesterday. Without a firm plan, techniques or good combat skill—you're a deadman."

Seulgi listen attentively, trying to link on what Irene is trying to express. Irene's facial expression was somewhat unreadable as she paused and stares at the bed sheets for a moment before asking, "Do you get the point?"

Seulgi bit her lip and nodded. Irene had a point. Maybe luck was on her side yesterday because truthfully, Seulgi wasn't on the list of a lucky person. She's pretty much clumsy all the time. It must've been the help of her dad—Apollo. If it weren't for the golden bow, Seulgi might either be dead getting rammed by the boar or she might just fall from the branch and still—get rammed by the boar—dead too. But then, Irene's sudden concern made her pose an innocent question, "Are you worried about me?"

Not sure if it was Seulgi's imagination, but she saw a tint of pink surge up on Irene's rosy cheeks. The beauty rose up from the bed, scoffing and rolling her eyes, yet not denying, she simply said, "Get yourself ready and meet me at the Assembly Canopy in 1 hour. I'm seriously gonna break your leg if you're late."

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