Chapter 2

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Jasper Faye

Thank God, they're letting me leave.  It feels like I've been here so much longer than I have. I barely even remember what my apartment looks like.

Hopefully the man is gone when I get back. He had been watching me for almost a year before I was hospitalized.  He started watching me shortly before my brother died.  

"No! Don't think about him! That's why you're here in the first place!" I yelled at my reflection. The windows were just wet enough from the rain, that you could see everything going on inside without a mirror.  Sally was standing behind me. She belongs in here.

"They're everywhere! Why don't you people believe me?! The demons will reign once more when the blood moon rises!" Here come the doctors. She hasn't had her medicine yet today.

"Come on Mrs. Jones, that's it, easy does it." They always make sure she's sitting in her chair before they inject her medicine, other wise she makes things difficult and falls over just to annoy people.  She's insane.

"Ms. Faye, your parents are here to pick you up," The doctor interrupted my train of thought. "Unless that is, you changed your mind?" He didn't want me to leave. He thought I wasn't well, he thought I had to stay. But I just wanted to go home.

"Sweetheart! I missed you so much! How are you? Are you feeling better? What's going on in your life?"

"I'm fine, Mom. Not much is going on, I've just been in a hospital, you know this." She continued to bombard me with questions as I started fading off into space, watching the rain patter on the large glass panes in the common room.

"Jasper? Jasper!" My mom was still getting worried when I started staring.

"Yeah, Mom? Oh, sorry... Are you ready to leave?"

"Are you sure you don't want to come stay with us for a while?"

"I'm fine Mom, I just wanna go home. To my apartment."

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