Chapter Three

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I chose to rise from the water, knowing that I would inevitably be killed but also knowing that I had no choice. I must have been under for at least ten minutes, as the crowd had begun to die down and the remaining people were talking about my lucky arrival in heaven. Needless to say, the reaction changed when my head appeared from above the water.

People began to shout and two men jumped into the water. They swam towards me and grabbed me. I was dragged through the water and pulled up onto the shore. I heard someone announce that I would be executed tonight, burnt at the stake. That was the last thing I heard before once more everything went black.

When I awoke, I was not in a cell. I was in the town square. Crouds were gathered infront of me and I discovered where I was. Evening was coming and the sun was going down. I tried to move but realised that I couldn't. I was tied to a large stake, amongst a pile of sticks in the middle of the town square. A little girl saw me attempt to move and turned to her mother, "Mama, why isn't the witch dead?" she asked,
"Because my dear," her mother explained, "She has not been executed. She will be gone soon, don't you worry." The girl took this as a satisfactory answer and went to play with her friends.

All around me people seemed to be having fun. Food was being sold, people were performing and children were playing. My mother had never taken me to public executions, I didn't mind. I found the whole idea of watching someone die a tad grim and gruesome anyway.

3rd person POV

What Matilda didn't see, was a group of children in the forrest near the square. I young girl began to cry, "They won't kill her, will they?" She said, between sobs. A tall manish looking girl replied, "Course not magpie, We'll save her." A boy wearing dirty overalls laughed. A girl with wild hair said nothing, but she seemed concerned and wise about the situation.

The entire group of about ten children started to argue until a Victorian looking woman emerged from behind the trees. "Polite persons don't argue for no reason!" She said, an authoritive tone to her voice. The group became quiet, apologetic looks in their eyes. "You all know the plan, Miss Abroholos Elephanta, Miss Frauntfeld, Come with me."

Matilda POV

A man announced that the execution was about to begin. Cheers errupted from the crouds. People walked to the bonfire, armed with torches. They threw them onto the pile of sticks below me and shouted, "Kill the witch!" The flames rose, I began to feel the heat but I couldn't close my eyes.

The flames began to lick my legs, dancing on them. The pain was unbearable, but I would not cry, they didn't deserve the satisfaction of seeing my tears. Any thoughts of escaping had been washed away, I was weak and while I had manipulated water before, I couldn't control my abilities well enough to put out the fire.

A peregrine falcon swooped down towards me. It began to peck at the ropes. I was comfused, but I felt drowsy and faint. To be honest I thought I was dreaming. Next, a little girl started to fall down towards me. Maybe she was an angel. She told me to grab onto her as the falcon bit off the rest of my ropes. I did as she said and she took giant shoes off her feet. She threw them into a forested area and much to my suprise began to float. A wild haired girl was sat on a tree branch directly above us. The floating girl grabbed onto the branch and told me to climb out of the tree.

I reached the ground and I was surrounded by a group of about 10 children and one woman wearing Victorian style clothing. "Miss Redwood?" The woman asked. I nodded my head, "There are some matters that I need to discuss with discuss with you."

A/N Any guesses of who the Victorian woman is? Also, future chapters might not make sense unless you have read the MPHFPC BOOK trilogy. I'll try to update again soon! Thank you for any votes, follows or comments.
Poppy 😘

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