Chapter 7

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Tom groaned as he opened his eyes. It seemed to him that he passed it on the couch again, but while sitting up. He wiped drool off the side of his mouth and got up, not really minding his headache.
'That's strange...' Tom thought to himself and looked around. 'I usually remember what I did while I was drunk... and it's too silent in here...' he picked up his phone, which was sitting amongst the many beer bottles on the coffee table, and checked the time. It was 2 o' clock in the afternoon, which only fueled Tom's confusion. The Brit placed his phone back on the table and walked into the kitchen.
"Edd? Matt? You guys here?" He asked out loud, hoping for a response. He guessed Tord was asleep or up in his room, so he didn't call to him. He looked around, finding the kitchen empty. He walked around for a second, looking for any traces of his friends.
"Maybe they're in their rooms?" He asked himself and walked up the stairs, not caring that they were creaking. He walked over to Edd's room and knocked on the door, since it was closed. He got no response and decided to try the door knob. 'Bingo' he thought to himself, as he found the door was not locked. He stepped into the room and looked around, to see a note taped to the wall to the left of Tom. He swiftly took it off of the wall and skimmed over it. He couldn't help but buckle at what it said.

'Dear whoever is reading this,

I'm guessing that's you, Tom. Conglaturations on getting in my room. Anyways, sorry I didn't tell ya me and Matt were leaving. I couldn't leave this note out in the open because... well, let's just say I'm gonna finally take your advice you told me.

We'll be back around 9 pm, hopefully. See ya then.

- Edd Judge.'

Tom laughed again and out the note down, knowing what he meant by 'taking his advice'. You see, Tom wasn't the only one having to deal with falling in love with his friend. Edd fell in that category as well, but with Matt. His 'advice' was basically that he dared Edd to confess to Matt. Looks like the grump finally decided to take on his challenge.

After that was settled, Tom walked out of his friend's room and closed the door behind him, behind polite. He decided to grab his hoodie out of his room since he didn't have it on at that moment.
As he walked to his room, he stopped in front of Tord's door, which was directly in front of his. He faced it and guessed that his friend was probably home, and in there. He gently knocked on the door, hoping the norski would answer and be able to tell him what he did while drunk off his mind.

Of course, Tord didn't answer his door. Tom sighed and knocked again.
"Bud..? You in there?" He asked and pressed his ear to the door. He could have sworn to have heard a soft whimper from the other side. This instantly worried Tom and he knocked again, more frantically than before.
"Tord? I know you're in there, open up." Tom demanded, trying to prevent his voice from sounding like ice. He listened again to hear another hushed whimper. Tom reached for the door knob, only to find he couldn't turn it. The door was locked.
Tom narrowed his eyes and backed up, a steely look of determination on his face. He took a deep breath in and ran forwards with his upper arm facing the door. He slammed smack into it, and actually got it to budge open. He smirked, knowing the locks on the doors of the house sucked.

He quickly looked around the room and stayed silent, not seeing his friend anywhere. He walked forwards into the room.
"Tord...?" He called out and instantly snapped his head over to a second door in the room as he heard another whimper come from it. He walked towards the door, knowing it was the bathroom door, and jiggled the door knob. Of course, it was locked. Tom sighed and knocked on the door.
"Tord, open up."
"N-no." Tord stuttered out and Tom sighed, hearing his voice crack as if he was crying. He took a guess at what he was crying about, since he knew his friend was pretty weak to depression.

"Tord... come on.... please?" Tom asked and the air between the two were silent. Then, the door opened slowly and Tord poked his head out. His eyes were bright red and puffy and a few tears slipped out of his eyes. Tom backed up and beckoned him out. Tord slowly opened the door fully and walked forwards, holding his left arm closely to his side as he looked down at his feet.

"Tord." Tom just stated and the norski flinched, not looking at the taller Brit. "Let me see your arm." Tord shook his head and Tom rolled his black eyes. He quickly grabbed Tord's left arm and yanked it up to look at it, making Tord squeak in a mixture of pain and fear. Tom pulled down his hoodie sleeve carefully and sighed, looking at Tord in the eyes. The norski looked away as a few tears slipped out again.

Tom saw what he was guessing to see, and has actually seen on Tord before. A sloppily put on bandage that was blood stained. He slowly unwrapped the gauze, being careful as to not hurt Tord.
Once the bandage was off, Tom assessed the wound. His arm was covered in neat, thin cuts that were bleeding slightly. They were deep, from what Tom could see, and he sighed again.
"Hold up." Tom stated and let Tord drop his arm to his side. The Brit walked into the bathroom, grabbed a first aid kit from under the sink, and walked back to Tord, sitting down on the floor. The norski followed and reached his arm out again as Tom opened the kit. Tom grabbed disinfectant, cotton balls, cloth, and gauze out of the box and stared to clean up the wound. Tord sighed and started crying again.

"S-s-sorry.... I-I'm an I-I-idiot." Tord stuttered out as Tom finished. The Brit sighed and hugged his small friend again.
"You aren't an idiot... what did I tell you about you cutting yourself?"
"N-not to d-do it a-anymore..." Tord stuttered out through tears.
"Exactly. I'm not mad at you, I just want you to stop this." Tom hugged Tord as close as he could and sighed, not even questioning why the norski did it in the first place. Tord slowly wrapped his arms around Tom's back and hugged him back, sitting in his lap. The two stayed like that for a little while, wanting to stay like that for as long as possible.

(I know the beginning was cliche, but I think I avoided the grocery shopping cliche and I know most of you ship Matt and Edd together (I do, definetly).)

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