Chapter 12

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'What in the.... why can't I move?' Tord asked himself and somehow got his eyes open as he took in his surroundings. He seemed to be in a slightly cramped space with red metal outlining the whole space. He sat in a dark red, surprisingly comfy, chair with multiple levers by his sides. A large metal beam went around his stomach and his shoulders, like that of a dollar coaster ride. In front of him lay a sturdy, dark gray box with buttons filling the surface space. In front of that sat a wall of thick glass, and from what Tord could see, he was up high. He tried to open his mouth and ask where he was, hoping maybe someone was there with him.
Although he succeed in getting his mouth to open, the only sound that came out was a laugh, that sounded slightly on the bridge of insanity.

Tord started to panic, wondering why in the hell he was laughing like that. He looked down, actually getting his body to do so, and gulped at what he saw.
About fifty or so feet below where he was sitting, sat a large pile of rubble and junk, that looked like the ripped up version of the house him and his pals lived in.
"Tom!" He heard Edd call from down below. How he could hear Edd from all the way up there, he didn't exactly know. He saw Edd and Matt, who looked slightly more colorful than his friends, run towards the rubble. He didn't pay attention to what they were running towards and his body made himself laugh again.
"What a sight!" He heard himself exclaim , but Tord forced his body to look away from the scene. His body forced another movement as he pressed a button on the panel in front of him. Tord forced himself not to let our a squeak as whatever he was in jolted into the air and began to fly like a rocket. Maybe he was in a rocket; he didn't know.

"So long, Edd! World's not gonna take over itself!" He heard himself say as whatever he was in lifted off of the ground and started to fly away. It started to stop and hover in the air and he felt slight panic rise in his chest.
He looked out of the window to see a large, red, robotic arm punch itself in the glass.
'So... I'm in a robot?' Tord thought to himself as the robot punched itself again, this time in the stomach.
"What's wrong with this thing?!" He screamed as it punched it's own face again.

"This! Is for the house!" He hears a familiar voice call, but louder than he had ever heard him speak. He flinched away from the glass panel in front of his as it gained a large crack in it.
"This! Is for my friend!" Tord looked down to see it was Matt, pressing buttons on a panel that stood in the middle of the rubble. He flinched again and the metal next to him dented slightly.
"And this! Is FOR MY FACE!!" He heard Matt scream. Tord looked around him three parts of the metal opened and out came some smaller robotic arms, which imidently started punching him in the face. Tord flinched from the pain each time and let out small grunts, even managing to say a 'stop that' through the punches.

"May I join in?" Edd asked from he ground.
"No! He may not join in!" Tord called back and flinched away from more punches.
"Of course!" Matt replied and the two contiuned to press the buttons widely. Tord was so preoccupied with getting beat up, he didn't listen to the rest of the conversation going on down below. After a few minutes of this torture, Tord's body suddenly slammed down on another button and the robot raised it's arm, letting out a lazer beam from its palm. This destroyed the box down below without a problem and the robotic arms dissapeared back into the metalic walls around him.

"Hah! So long, old friends!" Tord called out as the robot went back to flying away with it's back facing the house. Tord started to freak out, wondering what the hell he did to get Edd and Matt so mad at him. And what the hell happened to Tom?
Well, the second one was answered pretty quickly. He heard the familiar British accent all from down below. Tord started to calm down, until he understood what he was saying.

"I AM NOT. YOUR. FRIEND!!" He heard Tom scream and he looked behind him to see a large harpoon flying through the air towards him.
"Uh oh..." Tord muttered, this time in control. He closed his eyes just as he heard the harpoon hit the back of the robot's head. He gasped instantly as he felt an extremely sharp pain puncture his chest, and he opened his eyes. He looked down at the large, blue harpoon that lodged itself in his chest and felt how much blood was coming out, knowing he was going to die. He let it a final scream as he felt the robotic parts around him start to zap him and malfunction, chasing the whole interior of the robot to catch on fire and explode in a blaze of glory in the sky.

Tord shot out of his bed, screaming and panting. He jumped out of his bed and wiped one sweat away.
'It was just a dream... it was just a dream... it was just a dream...' he thought to himself, but it didn't help at all. His heart was pounding at a million miles per second and he felt as if he couldn't breathe. He knew, full on, that he was having a panic attack and ran out of his room to the one across the hall from him. He knocked on the door frantically, the edges of his vison starting to turn black. If he didn't calm down soon, he would pass out.

After about a second, the door opened to reveal his boyfriend, looking rather tired.
"Tordsie..? What is it...?" He asked and Tord instantly hugged him. The Brit was taken aback at first, but as soon as he felt how fast Tord's heart was beating on his abdomen, he hugged him back tightly. This had happened many times before, the panic attacks, and Tom seemed to be the only one to calm him down.

Tord slowly calmed down from his attack and started to cry into Tom's shirt as the Brit rubbed his back.
"Calm down.... nothing bad's going to happen... you're ok." Tom tried to sooth Tord down, and it seemed to work, but the crying stayed. "What happened?"
"I-I-I-I h-had a b-bad d-dream. I-I w-was in a h-huge machine... and I-I t-thought I k-killed you and w-was going to h-hurt Edd and m-Matt... and t-then Matt m-made t-the thing I-I was I-in punch m-me and then y-you shot a h-h-harpoon at m-me and... I-I... i-i thought I-i was g-going t-to die!" Tord exclaimed and started to panic again until Tom hugged him again, more tighter this time.

"I'm not going to shoot you, never in my life will I ever do something like that. And you would never hurt us, I know that for a fact... calm down... it was just a dream..." Tom calmed down his boyfriend and ran a hand through his devil-horned spiked hair. Tord stopped crying and freaking out and wiped his face with his sleeve.
"C-c-can I s-sleep w-with you t-tonight, t-Tommy?" Tord asked, looking up at Tom. The Brit nodded.
"Of course, Tordsie." He then proceeded to pick a Tord up bridal style and carry him to his bed before putting him down on it. Tord scooted over as Tom layed down next to him and wrapped his arms tightly around Tord, pulling the norski close to his chest.
Tord smiled softly and wrapped his arms around Tom as well, relaxing fully.

"Night, Tordsie." Tom muttered and kissed the top of the norski's head.
"G-goodnight, Tom." Tord replied and closed his eyes, falling back to sleep almost instantly.

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