Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to Ashley Muniz

Chapter 8


These past two months with Liz have been so amazing. My friends lover her so much and I have never felt so in love with a person. I gotta say, I'm loving a woman's touch. She is the person I wanna be with forever. I'm sure of it.

But there is one question still left in my mind. How am I going to say all this to my dad ? Would he disown me forever or would he be supportive ? Would he think it was a phase? Would he be angry ? Would he care ? I had so many thoughts running through my head as too what he might say when he comes home and when we could talk about it. Liz is important. He deserves to know at least.

Me and Liz were discussing this when we went to Dunkin Donuts. I ordered the usual while she ordered a caramel iced coffee with whipped cream.

"It can go either way babe." she said, sipping her iced coffee.

"How so?" I asked, taking a bite of my doughnut.

"He can either support you or disown you. Or he won't disown and think its a phase."

"But, its not a phase Liz. You mean so much to me, and you are there for me. Without you, I would feel empty. Like a part of me is missing." I said. And I mean everything. I could live, but there would be a part of myself missing. She means the world to me, and she is here to stay.

She squeezed my hand in reassurance. " I know. I feel the same way. " she said and kissed me. When we were done we left holding hands and we went to her house.

Me and her cuddled watching movies and then we made love without bothering to go to her room. We stayed like that for a while until I had to go home. It sucks. I kissed her before leaving.

I made my way to my house when I noticed the Rolls Royce parked in the driveway. My dad's home.


I wonder what it is now. He was supposed to come in 3 weeks for my birthday. I wonder what is so impotlrtant that he couldn't wait in 3 weeks.

"Pumpkin." he said, as I came in through the door.

"What's going on ?" I asked.

"Well, my job gave me a promotion and I will be living in Europe for the time being. And I need to leave tonight."

"W-what?" I croaked. I could not believe it. He didn't even call to tell me before hand.

"Yeah. I left you some money and I need to go now. Please be good. Goodbye, Pumpkin." he kissed my forehead.

Might as well, tell him before he leaves.

"Dad. Wait, I have something to tell you. I don't know how to say this but.....I have a girlfriend. Her name is Liz. She is an amazing person. And no, it is not a phase. I am in love with her and she makes me so happy. She truly does. I wanted to tell you since you are leaving and I don't know when you are ever coming back." I said. I looked down.

He didn't say anything for a while. He gently kissed me on my forehead. "I support you." he finally said. He walked away and shut the door behind him.

That was the last time I ever saw him. After he left, I went to my room and packed some clothes in my suitcase. I put my essentials in my bookbag and left the house.

I went to Liz's house.

"Hey babe. What happened ?" she said. I couldn't help but to cry and hug her.

After my therapy session which consisted of mint chocolate chip ice cream, Dunkin donuts, and cupcakes I managed to speak.

"What's going on ?" She said.

"Let's see :

My dad comes 3 weeks early to tell me that he is leaving for Europe. He left 5 hours ago. Said he got a promotion. He left me money of course. And then I told him that I had a girlfriend. He just said 'I support you and left.' He didn't even bother telling me about the promotion. He told me 5 hours ago and just leaves. And the funny part is he isn't gonna watch become an amazing woman. Or see me with the person I love the person. That self centered asshole." i say taking another bite of icecream.

"I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. Things will get better. It may not seem like that now, but they will." she said.

"Thanks." I said.

"Anytime, babe." and with that she kissed me. I know she will always be there for me, and that I love. I have never fallen so hard for a person like this. I love this feeling and its one that I never want to let go.

"I love you so much." I said.

I love you too babe." and I kissed her softly. I was sad and angry and Liz completely changed my mood. I feel so much better. We continued kissing and made love. Me and Liz fell asleep in blissful silence.

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