Chapter 14

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Chapter 14~

Liz POV.

Today when me and Sam went to school, we got so many stares it was unbelievable. Everyone kept whispering about how Sam deserved better. Everyone just gave me dirty looks and talking about Sam. My patience was starting to get low. I don't know how much more I can take before I explode. By lunchtime, I was sitting with Sam and her friends. At this time, all of them knew, and I figured that they are the only ones that can know about what happened. The rest of the school doesn't need to know about me and my relationship. They need to worry about themselves for a change. I was laughing about something, until then Chloe, the schools' head cheerleader and her little 2 bobbleheaded friends came up to our table with their "bitch face" and pose. As if, that's supposed to scare me.

"Uh, Can I help you slut ?" I said.

"First, I'm not the slut around here. You are." she said, getting close to my face, pointing with her scrawny finger.

"Yeah, right. You slept with the entire student body and you think you're some saint that could do anything so harmless. Please, cut the lecture." I scoffed, looking at my nails. Damn, I need a manicure.

"You better watch it."  said Bobblehead 1. 

"Please, you don't scare me."I said.

"I honestly feel so sad for Sam, for having  to deal with a slut like you. Have you told her about the all the guys you been with?" said a smirking Chloe.

The lunchroom oo'ed. Its funny how they see this very entertaining.

I didn't say anything after that. My fists did all the talking. Chloe didn't hit me back, she just stayed on the floor.

 Pussy I thought.

Me and Chloe got sent to the prinicipals office and both of us got detention and ISS. I don't mind, it was worth it. No one calls me a slut and gets away with it. Its just not happening. I don't tolerate people. After the fight, Chloe stayed away from me. I never thought that would happen. Ha, what a loser. 


All day, Sam received ridicoulous texts from people saying a bunch of made up crap about me and the countless "affairs" I had. I knew there was to be an expected arguement tonight, especially after we made up yesterday. All this stress is not me. Thank god, Spring break is coming up. I'm dying to get away for a few days to clear my head.

When I got home after my detention, Sam was sitting down like she was expecting me. This is slightly weird. 

"I want to know why everyone is texting me all this crap? All day, I got texts and people coming up to me telling me about you! Do you know how irritating this is?" she said. Clearly, she's mad and taking it out on me.

"Just because your mad, does not give you the right to be mad at me. I told you about my past and how I was raped and how the first guy I ever loved came close to doing the same thing. You are the only one I ever slept with and the only I care about." I ran upstairs crying. This is the first time, I ever cried. I just laid on the bed and cried for hours. I can't believe she would be everyone else over someone who truly cares about her. I just don't think its right.

"I'm staying over Bella's house tonight. We can talk about it in the morning." she said.

"You're leaving?"

"Yes, I need to think."

"About what? You're letting everyone else get into your head. You are seriously believing them over me? You are my girlfriend and I care about you. I told you the truth about everything." I said. 

"I got to go, we'll talk later." she said and left the room.

As soon as she left the room, I didn't have the energy to get out of bed. My whole world came to a sudden stop and at night, I felt so alone. I'm so used to Sam's touch. I need. I can't believe she would listen to what everyone else had to say over what I said.I'm her girlfriend. The worst part about it is that she didn't even fight for our relationship, she just let them get to her like that. I don't understand. I got up and got myself something to eat. I was starving. Afterwards, I stayed up and crashed at 5 am. 


 I missed school for the day, luckyly it was Friday and I don't have to deal with everyone's bullshit. It was so unnessary. I went out for the whole day and got myself soem clothes and I bought a present for Sam. I think she would love it. 

I bought her floral sneakers, a pair for the each of us, a huge teddy bear and some chocolate covered strawberries. I was happy and excited. As I came home from my mini shopping trip, I noticed Sam was there.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey." I hugged her.

"Why weren't you in school?" 

"I went shopping and I got you something." I said getting the stuff.

"Did you now?" she said.

"I sure did babe, here you go," I said, giving it to her. Sam's face lights up, and tackled me. 

"Thank you,"she said, lightly kissing me.

"Your"kiss,"Welcome"kiss. she giggled. I showed her the rest of the stuff I got from my shopping trip, me and her giggled at the stuff. We can be such girls sometimes. 

"I actually came to talk to you about something."she said.

"About ?"

"Well, I came to apologize yesterday. I overreacted and acted silly. I know you wouldn't do that to me. Ever. And I wouldn't either. It would hurt so badly. I guess you and I had been put through under alot of stress. I came to that today when I defended you. As of today, everyone will back off and stay away from our relationship."she said taking my hand into hers.

"Ok." I said. Her and I went upstairs to put the stuff away. Her and I gossiped so much and burst into tears. I can't believe she fought someone and I missed it ! You miss alot when you are absent for one day of school. 

Later that night, we were cuddled in the bed after a long day from school,and me from shopping. My legs were kiling me today. Afterwards, both of us ended our night by having sex. Gotta say, pretty good Friday night.

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