Never Lie To BM (K.A.R.D)

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Matthew and Jiwoo sat down on the couch as Somin went god knows where and J.Seph went to the studio. Jiwoo sighs as she thought it was the perfect time to tell her so called boyfriend.

"Matthew?" She asks, not trusting her voice.


"I think we should end our relationship. I'm sorry..."

Fuming with pure anger, he slammed his fist on the table they were sitting on. The younger girl flinched at the loud noise, causing her anxiety to rise.

"What?! Why?! I thought you loved me!" Matthew was speechless but still upset. He loves her, but why doesn't she love him back?!

"Matthew Please... Let me ex-" Jiwoo was cut off by the other male.

"Explain what?! You using me for sex and money?! You're leaving cause I'm not good enough for you?"

Jiwoo felt tears brim her eyes, why was this so hard? She did love Matthew, but she loved Somin so much more. Somin was her girlfriend for 5 years, but they barely saw each other. Feeling lonely she met BM and they began to date ever since... now she wants to go back to Somin.

"It's Somin isn't it?" He asked, his voice hoarse.

The younger girl could only nod. Somin was not her little secret anymore.

"Well If I can't have you, then no one can..." He growled while grabbing Jiwoo's hair and yanking her to an empty room that was unknowingly filled with gasoline.

"MATTHEW PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS!" She screamed helplessly as she had the door slammed in her face by the other.

Matthew then lit up a cigarette to help calm his nerves. As he took the cancer stick off his lips to breathe, he dropped it. The burning cigarette somehow got in contact with the gasoline, starting a giant fire inside the room Jiwoo was locked in.

"MATTHEW! PLEASE IM GONNA DIE HERE!!" She pleaded while sobbing loudly, why was he doing this to her?

"That's the whole point you whore!" He screamed as he then ran from the fire lit building, never once looking back to save her.

Next, he went to find Somin. He was completely angry with her as well, since the other female had lied about her relationship status. He thought J.Seph and her were together, unless this was all planned out.....

There she was! Somin was waiting at the park all alone with her arms desperately trying to keep herself warm. She was standing near the edge of the thin iced pond, which then the taller male began to form a nasty idea into his head. He then plastered a fake smile as he headed over to the petite girl.

"Oh Hey Somin! Long time no see." He greeted the younger, who in return smiled back.

"Hey Matty! Have you seen or heard from Jiwoo?!" She asked, concerned about her lover. Matthew panicked on the inside, but managed to keep it together so he could answer her question.

"Ahhh no actually I think she's visiting family." He managed to make up a quick and believable lie.

"Okay, can you tell her that I w-BM! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! AAAAH!" She screamed in fear as the taller male shoved her into the massive body of water, causing a splash and a crack to be heard.

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