One By One They Bite The Dust (NCT Dream)

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Jaemin sighed and leaned on the wall as he felt his head spin. He sighed as he glances at the other members, who shoot him a concerned look.

"Nana, are you okay?" It's Jeno that comforts him, which makes his heart flutter.

"I'm very dizzy, that's all." Jaemin gasps, almost falling over. The slightly older male manages to grab him and hold him in his arms.

Just suddenly a hectic and screaming Renjun runs to the duo, tears rapidly running down his face. He's then practically out of breath once he reaches to where they are.

"Guys! There's been a murder! Come quick!" And without further explanation he drags the two all the way to the scene. Chenle is on his knees, bursting into tears while Jisung comforts him but Haechan was supposedly in the bathroom.

As Jaemin and Jeno pull away from the grasps of Renjun, they gasp in horror at the sight.

Inside the room, Mark lays on the floor motionless. His neck was bent at a weird angle, with bloody hand prints and bruises. His eyes were rolled back, leaving only the whites. More of the crimson liquid was sleeping through his bright attire with his knees and arms skinned. Blood was sprayed everywhere, making the scene even more dramatic and horrific.

"He's gone? But how?!" Jaemin exclaims, looking at Renjun.

"I don't know, but I think they're someone out there!" The vocalist replies, hiccuping as he kept crying.

'What's going on?'


Later that night, Jaemin was awoken by a sound of crumpling paper. His eyes shot open as he looked around, trying to see who left the room. All of the members were fast asleep, tired from all the trauma that had occurred with their leader.

The young dancer slipped out of his and Jeno's shared bed and he tip toed all the way to where his eyes landed on a piece of white paper which was crumpled up into a small ball. Carefully, he slowly opened the paper up, gasping at what it read.

Looks like you found your precious leader, so don't get comfortable since you'll all be joining him very soon.


As soon as he finished reading the note, he heard a loud scream come from Chenle and Jisung's bedroom. Jaemin bolted towards the door only to see the maknae on the floor with a knife sticking out from his chest.

"Jisung! Holy shit..." Jaemin was in shock. How could someone murder an innocent boy like him?

"Another one..." Jeno sighed as he looks at the corpse. Jaemin felt the sudden urge to cry, but stopped himself.

"We have to find the others." Jaemin says, only turning to see the other two '00 liners were present. Jeno's eyes widened and the missing presence of a certain boy.

"Where's Chenle?" Jeno asks, causing everyone to look at each other and panic. Renjun suddenly looks up at the ceiling and almost puked at the sight.

Chenle was hanging by his hands, which were bound tightly to a rope that stuck to the ceiling.  His mouth was sealed shut by a scarf wrapped around and his tear stained eyes were wide with fear and pain. He had some cuts and bruises on his face, blood leaking into his ripped up shorts from the backside. His body was filled with gashes and ugly purple bruises, which then they had seen his broken ribs. Yet, another small note was stuffed into his shoe.

Jaemin took a shaky breath and pulled the note from the shoe, which then he opened it up. He felt everyone's anticipating stares, which caused his stomach to drop further. Jaemin finally revealed the message.

I was surprised with this one, he sure put up one hell of a fight. I had to give him a good bang since he wouldn't stop struggling. He managed get a couple of hits. Not so much with Jisung, he was way too easy.

"First of who the hell is this?!" Jeno swears, rolling his eyes.

"The one who has Renjun perhaps?!" Jaemin asks, panicked. Renjun was now nowhere to be seen.

"LET ME G-AHH!"  They heard the Chinese boy's struggles to breathe as he tried to call for help, but they were ended as they heard a loud snap and a thud.

The boys ran to where their oldest member was, witnessing the Chinese member on the floor with his neck snapped.

What they didn't expect was that the member who had happened to be the murder was no other than their precious vocalist Donghyuck. The boy silently made his was over to the two boys, a blood stained smile creeping up from his lips.

"Donghyuck why?" Jeno whispered, unable to say anything else due to shock.

"Simple, I wanted to get rid of competition." Donghyuck shrugs before pulling out a pistol, causing the two boys to tense up.

"Donghyuck, think about this! You've killed basically half of us! Do you really want this? Do you want people to see you as a criminal because of something so stupid?!" Jaemin spoke, tears threatening to fall down his face.

"It's not stupid, it's how I feel." The boy smirked, pointing the gun at Jeno. "And if you're gonna cry, I'll give you something to cry about."

And with that he pulled the trigger, the bullet landing in his chest. Jeno gasped in pain, clutching the wound as he fell to the ground. Jaemin let out a scream as he witnessed the horrible scene. He picks up the dying boy and cradles him in his arms, causing Donghyuck to chuckle at the scene.

"Awwwwwh boo hoo, your boyfriend's dead so what!" Donghyuck screamed as he grabbed onto a chunk of Jaemin's chocolate locks and hoisted him to his feet. He pulls out the same knife he used to stab Jisung with, and raises it to the other boy's neck.

"Don't worry Nana, you'll be joining them soon." The older smiles bitterly as he stared into Jaemin's tear stained eyes.

And that's when....


(A/N: Hey! I hope you all liked this oneshot! So requests are still open. If you don't know how, look at the very first chapter of this book! And also I'm planning to come out with more books that may feature you favourite artists!)

Hasta La Vista!

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