Payback's a B****! (Pentagon)

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Shinwon paced down the empty hallways of the school as he just got out from detention.

Stupid Chanyeol and Sehun, they deserved their asses to get roasted. If they only left him alone when he first asked them too.

The young boy felt his shoulders beginning to ache as he trudged around with his heavily weighted backpack, full of textbooks and homework for next week. His white patterned button up crinkled as he kept clutching it with his tensed hands.

His sneakers squeaked on the neatly polished floor, which had caused him to become slightly annoyed with the noise. Just then, he heard an evil whisper.

"Beware of your actions young man, for the price you pay may be your last."

The student screamed in fright and dashed out of the school, hopping on his bike and peddling as fast as he could.


-Present Day-

"KIM HYOJONG WHO?! I ONLY KNOW A G DRAGON WANNABE!" Shinwon shouted as he did the chicken dance on the table, causing the maknae line to howl in laughter.

"Can you shut up?! You've been saying that since we debuted!" E'Dawn shouts in annoyance.

"Seriously, how do you guys find that funny still? It's getting old." Hui speaks in the rapper's defence.

"At least he gets more lines." Wooseok muttered, earning a glare from the mood maker and more laughter from the maknae line.

"Well I'm pretty, he's P-E-T-T-Y."  Shinwon's voice boomed, slapping his own butt in a childish manner.

Hyojong just remained silent, trying not to lose his temper. He knew Shinwon was only joking and saying stupid stuff like that, but this was getting out of hand. His fists were balling up tightly, his hands turning a deep shade of red.

"And you know what?" Shinwon asks.

"Shinwon just be quiet, you're actually getting out of hand now." Hongseok huffed as he tried to get Shinwon off the table.

"He always gets the credit for his rap, while Wooseok and Yuto are left to the side. No competition there right Hyung?" Shinwon asked, batting his eyelashes in mock innocence.

That was the last straw for Hyojong.

He slammed his fists on the table, making the others jump in surprise. The oldest rapper suddenly lunged at the taller male, causing him to scream in fear. His back landed on the hardwood surfaces as Hyojong got on top of him. Hyojong's anger lashed as he repeatedly slammed his fists into the younger male's face. After he felt that he had enough for his beatings, he wrapped his two hands around Shinwon's neck and began to choke him.

Screams and shouts of his name mixed with Shinwon's were all a blur as he kept beating up the visual. But Shinwon suddenly backhanded him and shoved him off with all his might, causing him to collapse to the floor with a hard thud. He suddenly felt a searing pain in his head as Shinwon began kicking him.

"HEY HEY! STOP THIS! NOW!" Hwitaek screamed at the top of his lungs as Shinwon was pulled back by Wooseok and Yuto, The stood in front of the rapper while Jinho helped up Hyojong.

"Shinwon! You went way too far with your jokes when people told you to stop! Your 'jokes' were very degrading and malicious! And Hyojong! I've never seen you act in such a violent manner, especially with people younger than you!" Hui was almost losing his voice due to the amount of shouting.

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