Chapter 1

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Elo Smurflettes

As promised, a new story from Radish. It should be updated weekly.

You can also read it on Radish. My username is KMoncho.

Enjoy. ❤


I waved them off as I watched the 'Just Married' sign get smaller and smaller. I wasn't particularly sure what I was supposed to be feeling, so the emptiness in my stomach felt like just the appropriate reaction.

I was also quite hungry.

For two people who'd only known each other for five months, the happy couple had a lot to say at their ceremony. The whole thing was more than three hours long, and judging from the looks on everyone's faces, we were all pretty much beat.

Luckily for us, the happy couple was skipping out on their reception because they're too excited about their honeymoon. No-one can blame them since you can see the happiness on their faces, as well as the love.

I think that's what it is.

An arm wrapped around my shoulders and I immediately knew who it was. I looked up to meet concerned eyes, and I didn't quite know what my response would be to the question that I knew was coming for sure.

"Are you ok squirt?"

And there it was.

Was I ok? I don't know. I was in a situation that many people wouldn't even dream of finding themselves in, but alas, here I was against everyone's wishes; not because they didn't want me there.

It's because no sane woman would ever willingly be in this situation.

"They're happy," I said, smiling.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "That's not what I asked Rose."

"Where's Cammy? Did she not come?" I instead asked.

"I'm going to ignore the fact that you just changed the subject and just roll with it. She's not here. She refused to come, and she doesn't know that you're here either. I lied to her and told her that you're at a teacher's conference in Chicago," he replied.

I frowned. "Why lie for me?"

"Because Rose, deep inside even you know that your being here is just weird. Half of the people here don't even know how to act towards you. Hell, my parents are avoiding you because they don't want you to have an emotional breakdown," he explained.

"Why does everyone think I'm going to have some emotional breakdown? I'm here aren't I? I performed my Maid of Honour duties and now they're happily married. I'm happy for them," I said.

"And that's the worrying part. I know you're a good person Rose, but even you have a right to be angry about this," he pointed out.

"Except I'm not. Excuse me," I said before walking over to the bar.

Luckily he didn't follow me. I ordered my glass of wine and when it arrived, I sat on the barstool, watching the people around me. I was oblivious to it before speaking to John, but now I could see the glances people were stealing at me.

They were all either feeling sorry for me, or sorry for my mental state at being here.

It was starting to make me uncomfortable, and while my flight back home was only in four hour's time, I wasn't prepared to sit here and feel like this. There's only so much a girl can take, and as mad as I am for being here, it's not worth this treatment.

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