Chapter 11

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The entire flight back home, I couldn't stop thinking about Phyllis' words. She wouldn't tell me more than she already had, reminding me that I had a trip to prepare for. I tried telling her that I had more than enough time, but she wouldn't let up.

Eventually I gave up.

I looked out the window, knowing that I'd be home in a few minutes, and yet I wasn't looking forward to the trip anymore; not with this revelation swimming in my mind. It explained so much, without explaining anything at all.

I'm making no sense.

What I mean is that her revelation explained Olivier's surprise and unwillingness to see her, but it didn't give much about why he would be that way towards her. She doesn't seem to have any animosity towards him- if anything, she seems to be on his side.

So why would he not want to see her?

I had so many questions in mind, and I realized then more than ever that I was even more curious about Olivier's ex-wife. If Phyllis is technically Grace's former aunt, how come Grace didn't seem to know her or Nina for that matter?

I was nudged out of my thoughts by the person sitting next to me. The plane had landed and I'd felt nothing from it. I was so lost in thought that I didn't even realize that I was one of the last people to have to get off of the plane.

I spotted my brother and his best friend as soon as I walked out of the airport. "Hey sis!"

"Hello little brother, hello CJ," I said, hugging them.

"Hey Rose," CJ replied, laughing as he hugged me back.

"You know, you don't actually have to say little," Richard argued.

"Can't let you get a big head and start thinking that you're older," I teased.

"We all know that you're just saying little to make yourself feel better about being the true kid between us. Now that I think about it, it's ok Rosie. You can keep it," he countered.

I glared at him. "Funny."

"I thought so too," he said proudly.

"Can we leave before I decide to disown you?" I requested, making them both laugh.

My brother put my luggage in the back, huffing as he did so. "Did you bring your entire closet with you?"

"Why?" I asked as we started the journey to my mother's house.

"Your luggage is heavy Rose. We're just going to see mom. You did not need to pack that much," he pointed out.

"I know that, but for your information, this isn't my only destination," I informed.

He frowned. "Where else are you going?"

I smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Oh come on Rose! You and I have no secrets, remember?" he pointed out.

"That's actually not true and you know it," I countered.

He put his hand to his chest, gasping. "What is this? Are you actually hiding things from me?"

"You're hiding things from her too dude," CJ commented.

"Thank you CJ!"

"Dude, whose side are you on?"

"I'm on the right side, and the right side says your sister's right on this," CJ responded.

"We are talking about this later," Richard told him and he just shrugged.

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