Chapter 10

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Two months and two weeks.

That's how long Olivier and I have been in a relationship.

It's also how long I haven't spoken to my best friend.

It hurts, a lot, but she won't change her mind on how she feels about the situation with Grace, and neither will I. I love that little girl and I'm well on my way to falling in love with her father, something Fabio teases me about endlessly.

Seriously; why do I know Fabio?

"I thought we were covering Science today," Grace commented.

"We were, but we're switching things up a bit. You're a very quick learner, and there's something I'm curious about," I replied.

She shrugged. "I'll roll with anything."

The schedule has been working well for me. At the beginning, I had problems with transport, so my stubborn boyfriend gave me one of his cars. He gifted it to me, but to the rest of the world it's my 'work car' since I technically work for him.

He wanted to pay me for teaching Grace, but I refused. The salary I earn at King Francis is more than enough, even after the cut because of my decreased hours. I enjoy teaching Grace more than I've enjoyed teaching any other student, so I didn't want money for that.

In the two months and two weeks, Olivier has come back four times, and every time he was only around for three days, four if he was really pushing it. He'd spend time catching up with Grace during the day, before coming over to my apartment for the night.

And he's had to be careful about that.

We still haven't told her, and Fabio is still the only person who knows about us. He had plenty to say about my apartment, complaining that it's too small. He keeps hinting at me living at the mansion, but I'm not doing that.

As tempting as the offer sounds.

"A test? You're giving me a test?" Grace asked with narrowed eyes.

"It's not just a regular test. Do it and I'm going to time you. Like I said, I'm testing something," I told her.

"Ok, how long am I supposed to take?" she asked.

"As long as you need to. The important part is that you finish it," I replied.

"When do I start?" she asked.

"Now," I responded.

She took her stationery and sat down, preparing herself. As soon as she was ready, I started the timer. Fabio was in the room so he said he'd watch her while I stepped outside to make a phone call. I needed to confirm some things.

"I didn't forget," is the first thing he said as he answered the phone.

"I never said you did. I'm calling to find out what time you're flying out," I replied.

"My flight is in an hour, which means I'll probably get there before you," he informed.

"Alright. Are you going straight to her when you arrive?" I asked.

"Nah! I'll probably go and stay at CJ's house until you arrive. We'll go together," he responded.

"Ok little brother. I'll see you then. I love you," I told him.

"I love you too sis," he said before hanging up.

Richard and I figured that we should visit our mother. There's something off about her, and once he'd noticed it too, we decided that it would be better to head home and ask her in person than to have her lie to us over the phone.

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