Chapter 2

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"I'm telling you Rose. Be glad you're teaching Math and not Science," Talia commented.

I could only laugh. She was telling me about how some kid messed with some chemicals and ended up making a mess in the Science Lab that she had to spend two hours cleaning up. She also had to fill in forms for some new equipment that was damaged from this incident.

I've been here two months and it's been nothing short of amazing. Everyone has welcomed me and the kids have told me that I'm one of their favourite teachers. Even the parents have welcomed me, and I learnt that the parents here have a very big say in how things are run.

People with money.

I've settled into my apartment, though I haven't unpacked. I've just been so lazy to do anything about the boxes. I've taken out only the everyday things I need, and have successfully managed to keep everyone away from my apartment.

I've made two new friends, Talia and Celia. Talia is a beautiful redhead with sparkling blue eyes, and she teaches Science. Celia is a gorgeous caramel beauty with chocolate eyes, and she teaches History. They're both in relationships.

I have an admirer in the form of Kennedy Everson. He's King Francis High School's Math teacher. He's pretty cute with his dark hair and blue eyes, but he doesn't excite me all that much. It's like looking at Jeffrey and I've promised myself that I will not entertain a relationship with a man who doesn't invoke any particularly thrilling emotions in me.

"I'm sorry Tee. Just be more vigilant the next time he's in your class," I offered.

"Oh, you can bet on that much happening. Anyway, what are your plans for the weekend?" she asked as we left the teacher's lounge.

"Nothing much. I was just going to do some marking and binge watch some series. You?" I asked.

She laughed. "Same."

"Miss Kidman, may I please see you in my office?" Gail requested as we passed by her.

"Sure thing," I replied.

"I'll catch up with you at lunch," Talia told me, to which I nodded before following Gail.

Her office is huge and very modern. It's not like typical principal's offices that you see. It looks more corporate than anything. She signalled for me to take a seat, which I did. I was a little nervous about what she had to say since I hadn't been in here before.

"Well Rose, it would seem I was right about you. Everyone loves you, and we're all thrilled to have you as a part of our team. Have you found your feet yet?" she asked.

"I have, thank you. Everyone's been so welcoming, and I'm in love with the city," I replied.

"That's great to hear. The reason why I've called you in here is because there's a new student coming in today and she's going to be placed in your class. There's something we'd like to establish. She's very, different from all your other students," she said.

"Different how? Mentally? Physically?" I questioned.

"Mentally I guess, but I can't tell you any more than that. I'm just trying something out," she replied.

I scowled. "Uhm ok. What are the expectations from me here?"

"You just need to keep teaching the way that you do, and we'll see from there," she responded.

I was confused and I realized that she wasn't going to tell me any more than she had. I agreed to what she'd said and left for my first class as the bell had gone. It was a Friday and you could tell from how buzzed the atmosphere was in the class.

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