Chapter 9

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"What the hell?" I asked once my heart rate was back to normal.

"Where have you been Rose? We've been trying to get a hold of you the whole weekend!" Camila snapped.

"Why?" I questioned before answering anything.

John narrowed his eyes at me. "That's not a normal response from you."

"I was out," I replied plainly.

"When did you leave?" Camila asked.

This is a trap.

"I left on Friday," I said honestly.

Camila narrowed her eyes too. "And you have no bag with you?"

"What is this? Good cop, bad cop?" I asked.

"Rose, where were you?" Camila asked once more.

I sighed, taking off my jacket. "Let's start with what the two of you are doing in my apartment."

"You're wearing The Catch?" she asked in disbelief.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, ignoring her question.

"There's a lot of beating about the bush and I'm stopping it right now. We're here because we arrived yesterday morning to surprise you with news that we're moving here, except you weren't here," John replied.

Excitement filled me. "You guys are moving here?"

"Yeah. My father's opening up an office here and he's leaving it up to me to run, and Cammy's relocating her business here," he explained.

"How come?" I asked my best friend.

"We've been best friends our whole lives Rose. I miss you, terribly," she said before pouting.

I laughed before hugging her. "I miss you too."

"You smell like a man, a very rich man," she commented.

She must be referring to Olivier's shampoo.

"I like how the shampoo smells," I replied.

"And where is this shampoo?" she asked.

"So, when are you guys officially moving?" I asked.

John frowned. "Rose, are you secretly seeing someone?"

"No," I said, looking everywhere but at them.

"Oh my God! You're seeing someone and you won't tell us!" Camila exclaimed.

"I'm not seeing anyone, so the two of you just need to calm down," I said blankly.

"Geez, I've never seen you so defensive before. It's both refreshing and annoying. What's his name?" John asked.

"I'm not doing this with the two of you," I said before heading to my room.

I plugged my phone into the charger and switched it on. While it was receiving messages, I opted to change out of my dress and into my pyjamas. It was almost time for me to sleep in any case. When my messages were done coming through, I found that most of them were from Camila anyway.

That's how entertaining my life is.

The others were from John, Celia, Talia, Grace and Richard. I was shocked to find nothing from my mom. I didn't have a missed call from her, which is strange. I'd call her the following day and find out what's up. Just as I walked back to the lounge, the doorbell went and I went to answer the door.

"Rose!" Grace shouted, ambushing me in a hug.

I laughed. "Someone's happy."

"This weekend was too awesome for words. I'll tell you all about it since my dad is a genius and sent everyone at the mansion away for the weekend. He's leaving at two in the morning, which means I have no one to look after me. I suggested he bring me here. Is that ok with you? Fabio will fetch me in the morning before you leave," she pleaded. I shot her father an amused look.

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