Chapter 8

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I could hear the birds chirping outside, but judging from the sunlight coming in, it was midday and not morning. I was facing a wall I wasn't familiar with, but that's not what had me smiling. I don't know if he was aware of it, but a certain Mr Black was running his fingers on my arm.

"That tickles," I commented with a giggle since his arms were around me and my back was against his chest.

We were spooning, and we were very much naked.

"I've been doing it for an hour now," he replied.

I turned to face him, smiling. "Were you that bored?"

"I was beginning to think you weren't going to wake up at all today," he teased.

I blushed, hiding in the pillow. "In my defence, I was thoroughly exhausted last night."

"Don't hide your rosy cheeks from me," he said, caressing my cheek.

"I hate being seen blushing," I confessed.

"It's a beautiful sight, so don't hide it from me. Also, you should know that I thoroughly enjoyed exhausting you. I may just be addicted," he said playfully.

"Best you've ever had?" I joked.

"I've only slept with four women before you, and you Miss Kidman, are in a league of your own, especially given that you're so inexperienced," he replied.

I blushed once more. "You're just saying that."

"Except I'm not. I could spend days making love to you and it would be days well spent," he said seriously.

Well, when he puts it like that.

I don't know where I got the confidence from, but I suddenly straddled him, uncaring of the fact the sheet had slipped from me. "Days you say?"

A devious smile graced his lips. "Mhmm."

"Well, I don't know about days, but my day today looks pretty free," I said before leaning down to kiss him.

I don't know whether he'd planned for this to happen or not, but I was most definitely grateful that it was just the two of us in the house. It allowed me to unashamedly express myself, express just how good he was making me feel.

It dawned on me that he'd said he was making love to me.

It was probably my naivety in play, but I'd like to think using that phrase meant this meant more to him than some random hook up, but I wasn't about to fall too quickly. I had to be smart about this, and only because I stood to lose a lot.

We stayed in bed for the rest of the day as I learnt even more about myself in this particular department. Granted that he was focused on me and making sure that he 'worshipped' my body, I tried to return the favour, but he wouldn't let me.

And eventually I gave up.

"God woman, how can I still want you? We've been at it for hours," he said, his fingers trailing all over my body.

The sheets were long forgotten on the floor, and only the dim light of the lamp was on. I've always been shy about being seen naked, but right now I didn't mind that my body was in full view of this beast of a man.

He's in love with my body, and I've never felt sexier.

I giggled tiredly. "I don't even know how to answer your question."

He smirked, kissing up my body as I arched my back. "Just look at how responsive your body is to me. How you're able to keep up with my stamina has made you a million times more desirable to me."

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