love story of MaNan promo 1

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Nandini: mam please you can't do this. It is my life I have the right to choose what I want you cannot force me.

Neyonica: think before you say anything nandini you don't have any other choice.

Nandini: She said while falling in to her knees and crying misserabbly. mam please mam I can't do this understand my situation mam.

Neyonica: said in annoyed tone. I am not concerned with your situation now tell me the answer fast.

Nandini:ok mam but before that just once let me talk to manik.

Neyonica: said in angry voice. What the hell you are not supposed to tell anything about our deal to manik keep it away from him or Nithi or else you know what I can do.

Nandini: ok mam I will do what you said but don't forget what you need to do.

Neyonica: with smirk in her face I know nandini you will agree but there are certain conditions.

Nandini: I agree to all your conditions.

Neyonica: ok now you can leave if I need you I will contact you.

Nandini: ok mam.


So guys how is the promo??

What do you think the deal would be?

So guys here is your promo based up on the response I get on the chapter 7 and this promi I will be updating the next chapter and this promo part will come with in 2 or 3 chapters.

Thank you for reading.

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