Love Story Of Manan Chapter 39

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Manik POV.

I am feeling so much pain in my heart for punishing my sister but I am doing this for her. In this age if the mind has turned to the negative side then it is very difficult to change in to positive. It's been half an hour since she was in that position she was continuesly crying due to pain in her knees.

Nithi your punishment is over now get up. I said scooping her in my arms.

Bhai my knees are paining very much. She said while crying.

I made her sit on the bed and kneeled in front of her taking the ointment from first aid box and applied it carefully.

Shh Nithi now pain will go I have applied the ointment bacha. I said wiping her tears.

Bhai I am very sorry please forgive me. She said while sobbing.

It's ok Nithi next time don't repeat this mistake. I said hugging her.

No bhayu I will never repeat this mistake and I will not even go to pub from now. She said whole hugging me more tightly.

Nithi if you want to go anywhere just tell me I will take you where ever you want. I said to her and she nodded as yes.

Nithi what is that girl name. I asked her she looked me confused...

Which girl bhai? She asked me.

The girl with whome you went to pub. I asked her I felt anger thinking about the girl who took my little sister to that pub without informing us.

Why bhai? She asked me with fear.

I want to know. I said to her sternly. She nodded and gave me all the information about that girl.

I called my PA koyal to get me all the information about her. I even asked her to get all the details of Nithi friends.

Nithi did you have something? I asked her she nodded as no.

I asked a butler to get the food to my room and sat next to her on the bed with in some time Nandini bought the food.

Nandini why are you stressing yourself there are lots of maids in the home they would have bought it but no you want to do it by your self. I said taking plates from her hand.

Manik I am not stressing I love to do. Nandini said in annoyance now why she is annoyed I just said her not to take stress. oh god it is really difficult to understand girls for a minute they will be so mature and the next minute they will become kids.

Bhabhi I am really sorry. Nithi said to Nandini she hugged Nithi tightly.

It's ok Nithi I am not at all angry on you just promise me that from now you will not repeat this mistake. Nandini asked forwarding her hand.

I promise bhabhi this will never happen again. Nithi said and Nandini gave her a big smile.

OK now stop your talks I am feeling very hungry. I said winning like a kid.

Even me. Nithi said pouting.

Bhabhi did you have your dinner? Nithi asked Nandini she nodded as no.

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