love story of MaNan chapter 14

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They both got down from the car went towards entrance neyonica was waiting with arthi she gave arthi to both manik and nandini together and they both entered together. As soon as they entered nithi hugged manik very tightly and was saying I miss you bhayu...

Nithi: I missed you very much bhayu.

Manik: aww my princess even I missed you very much. I thought you will come to airport.

Nithi: even I thought of coming bhayu but mom told not go. Said cutely while still hugging him.

Manik: raised his eyebrows why mom?

Neyonica: manik how ever you were coming here right so I stopped her she will take stress while travelling.

Manik: ya mom you are right I didn't think that way. By the way princess how is your health. Did you go to doctor?

Neyonica: what happened to her she is fit and fine.

Manik: no mom she is having cold yesterday she told me.

Nithi: bhayu I am sorry I said lies. Actually I was missing you so I cried if I tell you then you will come here leaving everything so I didn't tell you.

Manik: no saying sorry princess it's ok.

With that they broke the hug but she never left his hand even for a second even manik let her hold happily. Nandini was admiring both brother and sister...

Manik: come on all the beautiful ladies let's have breakfast.

Neyonica: manik fab 5 will join us let us wait for them.

Manik: ok mom.

Neyonica: manik can you come to my room u need to talk to you personally.

Manik: ya mom. Excuse me girls.

Nithi was not letting manik to go she held him more tightly.

Manik: nithi what happened I will just talk to mom and come leave my hand princess.

He said lovingly but she nodded no.

Nandini: nithi what happened mam is calling him he will come back na.

Nithi: no di they can talk later just now bhayu came even I want to spend some time with him.

Manik: ya nithi just sometime afterwards you can be with me in fact today you can come with me to office what do say?

She kept quite not telling anything but not letting him go.

Neyonica: she yelled at her nithi leave manik's hand for god sake I need to talk to him important matter. She turned towards Manik and said this is all because of you see how you have pampered her. I think it is better to send her to hostel.

Nithi: left his hand go bhayu but don't send me to hostel.

Manik: nandini plese handel her for sometime I will be back.

Manik went to neyonica's room controlling his anger.

Manik: mom do you even realise what you said to nithi.

Neyonica: ya manik I know and I even mean it.

Manik: I will never let her go away from me.

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