Love Story Of Manan Chapter 43

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Manik was working on a project sitting in his cabin there was a knock and he allowed the person to get in he was surprised looking Abhimanyu.

Hi abhi you here? Manik asked him and noticed he was little disturbed.

Manik I got all the information about that soha and you won't believe she is behind all the  happenings in your life. Abhi said giving him a file.

You mean she was the one who tried to create misunderstanding by showing me the different view of the story? Manik asked him.

Yes not only that her father Mr. Khurana had made the fraud that is theft and showed it as it was done by murthy uncle. Abhi said it was really shocking to manik. Abhi gave a Pendrive to manik he connected to laptop and saw it was the cctv record of the near by traffic signals in which Mr.kurana was sitting in the front seat along with soha and he was in the same shirt and jacket in the company cctv footage. Now he got the clear picture Mr.kurana dressed in such a way that Mr.murthy would be caught through cctv footage.

Abhi where did you get this footage? Manik asked him.

Oh about that I asked commissioner who is father of Mt friend with his help I got this proof and my detective gave all the information about soha. Abhi said to manik.

Oh god I still can't belive that soha and Mr.kurana did this I am not going to leave them so easily. Manik said gritting his teeth.

Yes manik we will hand over them to police and I will make sure they will suffer behind the bars for their whole life. Abhi said patting his shoulder to calm him.

No abhi before going to jail I want to show my wrath to that soha who tried to hurt my Nandini. Manik said in anger.

No manik we cannot take the law in our hands they will get their punishment I will make sure of it you just keep the things away from Nandini if she will know about these she will be hurt. Abhi said.

No abhi I want to start my relationship with trust and I am sure Nandini will forgive me for my behavior and before that I should ask my forgiveness from chachu I hurted him very much he was so loyal to me and I said he has done the fraud not only that I sent him behind the bars if mom had not taken the complaint back then I don't know what would have happen. Manik said to abhi.

Calm down manik past was past now we should think about future. Abhi said keeping his hand on manik's shoulder.

Ya you are right first I will ask my forgiveness from chachu. Manik said to abhi.

Manik I know chachu very well he will definitely give his forgiveness don't worry now Complete your soon. Abhi said to him.

Ya I should even pick Nandu and nithi from the college and then I will take Nandini to murthy house I will ask my forgiveness in their home. Manik said to them.

Hmm by the way when are you proposing Nandu? Abhi asked him.

Tomorrow doctors are removing the Rishab's bandage so she will be busy with him and I will get time for the preparation and at the evening I will propose her. Manik said.

Fantastic. Abhi said.

OK now I am taking police with me to khurana mansion to put them behind the bars. Abhi said to him.

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