love story of manan chapter 44

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Nandini's POV.

I am getting impatient minute by minute today the doctors are going to remove rishab's bandage and he will be able to see the world I am so happy and excited about that doctors said that they will remove the bandage in an hour at present I am sitting with manik, chachu and chachi are also sitting with us I was playing with manik's finger to keep myself calm manik saying a sweet words in my ear to reduce my tension but I am really tensed.

Since yesterday my love and respect for manik increased 100 times in my heart he is the best ever person I am so lucky to have manik in my life

My thoughts were broken by a nurse who came to inform us that doctor is calling us as they will remove his bandage now.

I hurriedly went to the room saw manik chachi and chachu were coming behind me.

we have made the necessary check up and we will remove his bandage now when we asked the patient he said he want to see Mrs. malhotra face first. Doctor said to me I am really overwhelmed I am eagerly waiting for my brother to see this world and now he has got the opportunity.

Mrs. malhotra please stand here so that he could see you first when we remove his bandage. Doctor said pointing the position exactly in front of his bed and I stood there nodding at him.

Nurse please dim the lights. When he said I looked him with a confusion he saw my confused expression and said.

After so many years of living in the darkness he need some time to cope up with the brightness so I asked her to dim the lights so that he will not have any difficulty in opening his eyes. Doctor said to me.

So little boy are you ready to see your sister? Doctor asked rishab in a cheerful voice.

I am more than ready to see her doctor di just few minutes then I will be able to see you. Rishab said with excitement aayippa always keep him happy I prayed to god I felt someone holding my hand to see manik held my hand to give me support which I needed the most in this moment I held his hand in a tight grip.

The doctor started removing rishab bandage carefully not to hurt him I was just praying for the god in my mind to make everything fine it was the last layer of bandage he just removed we saw the cotton pads placed on his eyes.

Ok rishab I am going to remove the pads you don't open your eyes till I say you. Doctor said to rishab and he nodded his head like an obedient boy.

The doctor took that cotton pads and wiped over his eyes in a smooth manner.

Ok now slowly open your eyes and see your sister she is standing right in front of you and remember don't rub your eyes.Doctor said to him and now I am very impatient.

Rishab slowly opened his eyes and looked at me I felt my heart skipped a beat he gave me a smile and I felt tears in eyes he forwarded his hand and wiped my tears not able to control myself I hugged him tightly.

Rishu can you see me? I said with happy tears.

Yes di I am able to see you and you are so beautiful. He said cupping my face.

Thank you rishu and you have grown handsome. I said kissing his forehead.

Really Di can I see myself? He asked me with an innocent smile.

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