IV. waterboarding

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Chapter 4:


Laying on this stupid metal table defiantly is not helping my back at all. If anything, it's only making it worse by putting pressure on the poorly done stitching and I'm still freezing cold. But I would much rather be back here in this crap hole than up there with Louis.

I'm still not entirely sure what just happened, but I don't think I wanna find out. At first I thought he was going to rape me, but by the look in his eyes I could tell that something happened and changed what he was thinking. I couldn't tell what it was though but I'm thankful for it.

I really need to collect my thoughts and figure everything out about Louis and his murder bus (I'm just going to assume the items on the walls are torture devices because honestly what else could they be) that I possibly can. If I can find a way out and gain enough of his trust to where he doesn't cuff me up every second, I think I can escape. And as soon as I escape you can bet anything that I'll be to the police. I literally have the Lakefront killer within twenty feet of me and I know his name and what he looks like. If I can just make it through this I would be able to end all of the killings and panic everyone's been in for the last two years.

Speaking of names, he knows mine. How the heck does he know my name? I know I didn't tell him and I'm pretty sure he didn't just guess. Marabella isn't the most common name out there if you're catching my drift. This man is obviously a psycho and he has me locked up in a torture chamber. This can't get any better.

As soon as I thought that, Louis came back through the door. Just my luck. He was talking on the phone with someone and took a seat in the corner.

"Yeah I've got her. Name's Marabella," he smiled and looked at me. "I think I screwed it up though. Her parents weren't home, but I'd already let her see me so I took her anyway."

I heard screaming from the other line and assumed that wasn't a good thing. I heard something about how he had "screwed up" and was "going to get caught, you dumb idiot." I hope he's right and that they come and find me before Louis actually does something to me.

"I tried to, but it didn't really work out." He continued his conversation with whoever was on the other line and even chuckled a little bit. "I'll try again later. But for now I'm just going to punish her for disobeying my rules."

He continued to glance at me and lick his lips while he finished up his short conversation with a man named Zayn (which I learned was his name from hearing Louis say it repeatedly). His words kept on echoing through my head as each second passed. "I'm going to punish her from disobeying my rules". I don't know which rule I disobeyed because I done everything he asked of me and didn't cause any trouble. I'm also just terrified to find out what exactly "punish her" means.

Once he hung up his phone, he made his way down to my feet. I squirmed a little bit, but I didn't try to fight him. It's not worth it, it'll only make him angrier and there's no way I could ever fight back against him. He suddenly pushed something hard down on the crevice between my big toenail and cuticle. I sucked in a breath and couldn't help but to jerk away.

"Does that hurt, sweetheart?" I sarcastically frowned at me in the mirror and I nodded my head.

"Yes, a lot." I replied to him hoping he would relieve some of the pressure, but it didn't work. He only pushed the object down harder earning a very high pitched scream from me. "Stop please." He pushed down even harder, which I didn't think was possible and I could feel a small trickle of blood flow down my foot. I screamed even louder and he finally let up.

"As you wish." He put down whatever he was holding before and walked up to my head. "Sweetheart, do you fear drowning?"

I thought about his question before truthfully answering him with a no. He doesn't have a place large enough to drown me in here, so I should be good for now.

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