VI. two weeks

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Chapter 6:


Two weeks.

I've been in the back of this RV for two weeks. I haven't seen my family or friends in two weeks. I've been tortured almost continuously for two weeks. Louis is the only human contact I've had in two weeks.

Two weeks is the amount of time it's taken me to realize that I'm not coming out of this alive. Two weeks, it's taken me, to know what it feels like to a) know what it's like to be dying and b) not have died. Two weeks is the short time span it's taken me to want to die.

My body is covered in scars. Internally and externally. Each day it's the same thing, never ending pain. When I wake up from the very small amount of sleep I've gotten, I lay and wait. Stretched out like a starfish, waiting for my kidnapper and future killer to stop the vehicle and begin the daily tortures.

Each time he enters the room, I silently pray to a God, that I've come to believe doesn't exist, that it will finally be the day he kills me. For the past two weeks, my prayers haven't been answered. Like I said, it's just another lie.

Each form torture that I endure is a step up from the last, which I didn't think was possible. Phrases like the one on my stomach litter my body, courtesy to the fact that it was his favourite form of torture.

He has however, not touched me get in the sense that I still have my virginity. It's surprising to me because it should seem like nothing to him considering the countless other forms of seemingly never ending torment he's put me through. I'm not complaining I mean, I'm thankful for it, but it's got me on edge. I'm just waiting for it to happen and I wish that he'd just go ahead and do it and get it over with. The fact of not knowing when and if he's going to do it is driving me crazy.

Also, if my calculations are correct, I've been with him for seventeen days. According to the news casts, I should be dead right now on the side of a road somewhere with buzzards picking apart what's left of me that Louis hadn't mutilated already. He keeps his victims for twelve days, murders them on the thirteenth and their body is always found on the fourteenth. It's a routine he's had for months, never breaking it. Until now, that is.

I'm on day seventeen. I should have died four days ago, but I didn't. I'm still here. Why? I don't know the answer to that. I have no idea why he's keeping me alive so long, but I wish he wouldn't. At this point, I don't care how I go out or how painful it may be, I just want out.

But we don't always get what we want. Most of the time, we get the exact opposite. I know that earlier, I thought I could get out. Silly me to actually think that I have the slimmest chance of making it out of this situation alive. All hope of mine is now diminished and isn't coming back. My parents have probably given up hope of finding me. I mean, I would too if my child had been missing for seventeen days without the slightest trace of evidence as to where she could be. I have nothing to live for. I'm useless and I want to die.

Over the two week period, I have also learned many things about Louis and his murderous ways. It turns out his sick, twisted friend, Zayn, is actually a FBI agent working on the Lakefront Killer case and is Louis' eye into the entire operation. He's they key to Louis not getting caught this entire time. Through a series of pay phones, disposable phones, and news broadcasts Zayn has been able to successfully smuggle Louis the information he needs to stay as far away from the government as possible making it almost impossible to detect his next move. He's the perfect criminal and I'm the lucky girl that gets to be abducted by him.

Every once in a while, he'll go thought weird spells where he's super nice, then I'll come back with a smart remark and get myself tortured to the brim of death, but it never came. He wouldn't let that happen.

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