V. letters

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Chapter 5:


The rest of that day was pretty uneventful due to the fact that we were traveling all day. Louis had left one of my hands unlocked though, but only so I didn't choke on my own puke. My 'punishment' from earlier had caused me to get sick and throw up continuously. I puked until there was nothing left in my stomach except its own acids. Eventually I emptied all of that out as well, so I spent the rest of the day dry heaving.

All of the vomit was horrible as it was, but I also had to wait a good two hours to get the smell out of the room. Louis would pull over on the side of the road, unlock me and let me wash it all down the drain, lock me back up and continue on. I have no clue where we're going, but I don't plan on asking him.

While laying on the table, between my dry heaving spells, I had a lot of time to gather my thoughts. I wondered if my parents had noticed I was gone yet. Of course they had to, I've been gone for a full day and they were supposed to return from Detroit earlier today. I wondered if they had called the cops and reported me missing, or just thought that I was with my friends somewhere. I wondered if I was even in Michigan anymore and where we were headed. But most of all, I wondered why Louis didn't rape me earlier. He had the perfect opportunity to, yet he didn't and that really confused me.

My mind was consumed with the look in his eyes right before he tried kissing me, trying to figure out just what happens there but I knew it was useless. It was doubtful that I'd ever find out because it was also very doubtful that I'd live to see next week. So instead I tried thinking about happier things, to try to get a little escape from the situation I'm currently in. I thought about my friends at first, but then realised that odds are I'll never see them again.

I really need to stop being such a Debbie Downer about this. Well, I suppose it's normal for me to be, right? I just think that if I have the right attitude and honestly believe that I can get out of this situation, I will. It's nothing more than a theory though, to help me get into a better state of mind. None the less, anything helps.

Finally, I felt the RV come to a stop and silently prayed that Louis would leave me be at least for the night. Whatever God you choose to think is up there, obviously isn't on my side because minutes later he walked in with a smirk on his face.

"Hey there, Bella," he said while unlocking my feet and motioning for me to sit up, so I did. I crossed my legs and looked down at my lap while silently starting to sob.

Why me? I don't understand why this had to happen to me. I've never done anything too bad to anyone. I do good in school, I'm generally nice to people. So why is karma being such an butthole to me?

"Shh, shhh. Don't cry, baby. It's okay I'm not here to hurt you this time." Louis tried calming me down while pushing strands of hair out of my face. I jerked away from him, but it was useless because he just jerked me right back.

He climbed up on the table and sat in front of me, legs crossed just like mine. For a few minutes he simply stared at me, which just added to the level of creepiness he carried with him.

"Can you stop staring at me? I'd appreciate it." I mumbled and glanced up at him, but he just smiled in return.

"Sorry, love." He then directed his gaze to the wall behind me.

"Why are you being nice to me?" I asked, rather aggressively.

"What? Is it a crime for a killer to be nice to his next victim?"

"Yes, actually it is a crime. You murder people, you're not nice to them."

"It's just the calm before the storm, babe." He looked me in the eyes and patted my head, "Be right back."

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