I. abducted

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Chapter one:


"Once again, keep all of your doors and windows locked, sleep near a weapon and stay safe." The news anchor from NBC nightly news advised, continuously reminding us of the serial killer that's currently on the loose. He has no name and no face. We know nothing about him, only that he has the desire to kill.

I flicked the T.V. off and ran up the stairs to my room, not wanting to hear anymore bull about 'The Lakefront Killer'. Which, by the way, is the dumbest name that you could give a serial killer. They only call him that because he dumps all of his bodies near a lake, well at least that's what I'm assuming. I'm pretty sure he doesn't even kill there either, he just uses the lake as a disposal site.

I sent a quick text to my dad letting him know that I was okay and going to bed. He, along with my mother and some of their friends, were in Detroit for some comedy show or something, I'm not sure. They had only agreed to let me stay home alone and not go to my grandparent's house because the last place the Lakefront Killer was seen was in Washington state. He travels all over the continent, randomly picking victims, so we figured that he wouldn't be traveling all the way to north Michigan and instead stay somewhere near Washington.

Since it was only midnight, I decided to get a quick shower before bed considering that I'm never asleep before one anyway. After washing my hair and drying it with a towel, I stepped back into my room with just a towel wrapped around my body. I glanced out my window and noticed an unfamiliar car parked across the street. I brushed it off as nothing because my neighbours have people over at all hours of the night. I'm pretty sure they're drug dealers but it's whatever.

After drying and curling my hair (something I do to kill time) I curled up in my bed and drifted off to sleep.



What the heck? Who is screaming? I sat up on my bed assuming that I had just left the TV on, but I vividly remember turning it off before coming up the stairs. My alarm clock is telling me that it's 2:47 in the morning so I haven't been asleep for very long.

The steps closest to the top of the stairs were creaking indicating that whoever it was, was close to my room. They tried to open my door, but I always sleep with it locked. It's one of those little quirks I have, I can't sleep with my door unlocked.

They began to beat on my door more forcefully, to the point where I could see it bulge in in the dim light. That door is going to snap at any minute I can tell so I need to do something. For God's sake there's someone in my house that's trying to get into my room. I grabbed my phone from under my mattress and ran to my bathroom that's connected to my room. My bathroom door doesn't have a lock, so if they get through my bedroom I'm basically screwed.

My dad. I'll call my dad. I quickly dial his number just as I hear my flimsy bedroom door bust open. I try my best to hide myself in the shower as I am sent to my dad's voicemail. I fumble with the small rectangle trying to 911 and accidentally drop it on my foot. It only made a faint noise, but I suspect my intruder heard it because the light in the bathroom flicked on.

"Marabella baby, I know you're in there."

It's a man, a young man by the sound of his voice. I quickly try to pick my phone back up and dial those three numbers, but as soon as I'm ready to press call the shower curtain is flung open and my phone is snatched out of my hands. I let out a ear piercing scream and cower down into the fetal position. The sound of my phone cracking followed by a splash fills my ears and I begin to fear for the worst. He's going to kill me. I'm literally going to die right now. I've read stories and seen shows over this kind of thing, but never did I ever think it would ever be happening to me. I began to cry right before I heard the man start to laugh. I cautiously looked up at him to see amusement in his crystal blue eyes.

"Don't cry, Marabella. You pathetic little girl. Stand up." He snarled at me and I complied to his request. Shakily, I lifted myself up off of the damp tile and took the time to look over my potential killer. I could barely see any part of his body because most of it was covered. He had on a pair of surgical gloves, red vans, blue jeans rolled up at the ankles, a plain black t shirt and a black jacket over it. He had on a black beanie and his face was painted like one of the band members from Kiss. In his hand he held a sharp looking knife. He didn't look like the stereotypical burglar or whatever he may be, except for the gloves and face paint. That was quite weird. But he looked freaky as heck.

"H-how do you k-know my n-name?" I managed to stammer out. This is by far the most scared I have ever been in my entire 18 years of existing.

"I know quite a lot about you, sweetheart." His lips turned up into a crooked, evil smile that chilled me down to the bone. He stepped closer to me and cupped my face with one hand while tracing my jawline with the knife in his other, but not forceful enough to break my skin.

"Now, Marabella, where are your parents at? They're not in their bed, but their car is in the driveway." His breath, surprisingly, wasn't that bad at all. It smelled of spearmint mixed with cigarette smoke.

"T-they um, went to Detroit f-for a comedy show. They r-rode with their friends so they wouldn't have to w-waste money on gas." I shakily answered trying not to sob, but letting the tears flow quietly.

"Crap," he quietly cursed while dropping the knife and his hand from my face. He started pacing the room mumbling random curse words and pulling at the cuffs of his coat.

"Why are you here?" I managed to get out without stuttering even though my whole body is still trembling.

"The Coleman family was supposed to be my next target, but since half of the family isn't here, I guess I'll just have to take you with me. Louis Tomlinson leaves no witnesses." He suddenly grabbed my arm and twisted me around so my back was pressed to his front with a hand firmly placed over my mouth to muffle my screams.

I have no idea who the heck Louis Tomlinson is, but I have a strong feeling I'm going to find out very soon.

Louis, I'm assuming that's his name, pulled out a piece of cloth and had it around my mouth and tied within a matter of seconds. He then proceeded to tie my hands down with zip ties and lead me down the stairs. He let go of me momentarily to open the door to our garage and I made a run for it.

"Sweetheart, please don't make me tie your feet as well. It would be in best interest for the both of us." Louis said in a mockingly sweet tone while pulling me back to him by the arms. I said I made a run for it. I didn't say I made it far.

He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, making his way out of the garage. I swear, I was putting up a fight kicking and attempting to scream (it was difficult with the choke in my mouth). It just didn't work.

"Shut the heck up, would you? I'm trying to make a clean getaway here." He let out a deep chuckle and dropped me into the backseat of a car. I tried to sit up, but he was in the driver's seat and driving away before I could even process what was happening.

I looked out the window as we were speeding off to see my little house, possible for the last time ever, barely lit up by a single street light.


omg wow so intense

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- a b b y :)

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