Chapter 2

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The bomb goes off and suddenly the ground is littered with small body parts. My ears ring and water fills my eyes as I watch a familiar body run to one of the small shivering children. She rips off her coat and bundles the small child with her warm jacket, pulling the small child into her arms she turns around and I fully see her face. She has and angelic awe about her. Her eyes are a deep hazel brown with slight golden specks. Golden hair is tightly done up in a side braid that hangs loosely on her shoulder and chest. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

I start running toward her, ears still ringing. I'm moving my lead laden legs as fast and as hard as I can but I seem to go nowhere. Yelling her name out constantly I try to reach her with avail, as I just start to move and finally cover some ground I hear a roaring noise and get knocked back by heavy wind.

Lifting my self up of off the smooth pavers with my elbows, I look up to see a large Capitol aircraft block out the light. The girl looks up when I scream her name again. Her hazel eyes light up as she spots me and she starts to say my name.

Everything seems to stop as she calls out my name, her face is frozen in the midst of everything around her. Looking up at the aircraft I see someone I don't expect at all. Gale looks at me through the low clouds and a malicious smile covers his face, a rope drops right in front of me and before I even have time to say his name, booted feet make a thud and a handsome face comes into view. His brown hair is tousled slightly and grey eyes look at me filled with hatred. Slowly standing up, I notice that his eyes have softened and he smooths back his hair as if he was nervous.

"Hey Catnip," his smile fades and a deep frown replaces it.

"Gale? B-but they got you! I saw them take you and I couldn't save you!"

"Well, they did.... Katniss, we should join them! Imagine how powerful you would be, you could stop this whole war and safe lives," this isn't the Gale I know. He would never tell me to join the enemy.

"We could become rich Katniss!"

"No Gale! What are you talking about? Are you crazy? I'm never going to become one of them!"

"Fine then, do what you want, and I'll do what I want," as he says that he starts walking over to Prim grabbing a knife out of the top of his boot.

"Gale? Wait what are you doing?!"

I get up and run towards him, he is now standing informs of her as I hit an invisible force that knocks be back a good few feet.

"Gale?! Stop! What are you doing," I scream and cry at the same time as he plunges the short knife into Prims chest.

"NOOOO!!!!! Gale!"

I push against the force field with all of my might as the sharp knife comes out of her chest and she drops to the floor dead. I try to scream but nothing comes out and I fall to the ground in defeat. She's dead. She's dead. I sob into my knees and scream her name out continuously hoping that she would come and wrap her arms around me.

Gale steps in front of me and heaves my limp body to its clumsy feet.

"How do you feel now, Girl on fire?" He breaths sharply and let's go of me, dropping me to my knees. I let myself fall before I here growling noises and look up to see a raging mutt with Gales eyes.

I get up running to wherever I can find. A constant hot breath makes my neck prickle as I jump over frozen people or body parts, trying to get away from the terror behind me. Pain races down my back as I feel a warm gooey substance seep through Tigris's lovely, exquisite clothes. Yelling in pain, I fall into a heap on top of someone as the Gale mutt looms over me.

"Peeta!" I yelp as the mutt closes in on me.

"Peeta! Peeta!" I thrash around trying to fight the mutt off as a falling sensation overwhelms me and I fall to the ground. Strong arms encircle me and calm me down as I hear his voice.

"Shhhh, Katniss I'm here, I'm here. It was just a dream, calm down it's alright," I sob uncontrollably into his chest while he strokes my hair to settle my shaking body. There we sit on the floor of my bedroom, me crying and him calming me down.

"He killed her Peeta! He killed her, and I trusted him all my life. He killed HER!"

"Shhh Katniss he didn't. Gale would never do that, you know him."

"Not anymore," I whisper more to myself more than him.

"Come on Katniss let's get you back in bed," silently, he lifts me onto the bed and places my small body in middle draping the blanket over me. As he starts to leave, I grab his wrist, "No, stay here with me please?"

"Ok, I'll stay with you," in the darkness I feel a dip in the bed and the rug gets lifted up and out back down. My arms find him and don't let go.

"It's ok Katniss, I'm not going anywhere."

"But I don't know that," I sob, "I just need to feel your presence."

"I love you so much," I whisper, my sob turning into a sniffle.

"I love you too."

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