Chapter 3

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Hey guys! Somehow the chapter repeated itself and I don't know why!! So please excuse that and here is chapter 3......

The bed dips and I force my eyes open a crack to see Peeta sitting up, his head in his hands.
"Are you okay?" Slowly getting up I put my arms around his back, resting my chin on his wide shoulders.
"I dunno Katniss. Seeing you hurt that much makes me really sad, none of this should have happened to you. Your too perfect," he turns around, gives me the biggest bear hug and buries his head in the crook of my neck. I keep my arms around him as it's my turn to comfort him, from comforting me. That just sounds funny.
"I'm definitely NOT the perfect one Peeta, you are. Your the one who kept us both strong in both of the Games. You had the strength to fight of those hijacked memories, I probably wouldn't off had the the strength that you had," oh great, now he has me almost crying. I now sit on his lap as we hold each other, gripping tightly. His back warms my cheek as it rests on it, I start to slowly stroke his hair to calm him down. I guess it's also calming my racing heart as well. As his short golden curls slip through my fingers, I think of how lucky I am to have a man like this love me, so much that he would step in front of a bullet if I was ever threatened.
"I love so much, I know I've said that 100 times over the last few days. But I really do mean it. I love Katniss Everdeen!"
"I love you more Peeta Mellark."
The morning glow slightly seeps through the thin drapes of my room. The distant chirps and whistles of early morning birds make their way to my ears. We're lying down on my bed again, my head on his shoulder and his strong arm around my waist. I look up and admire his perfect jawline and handsome face, his long blond eye lashes rest on his skin. Blond curls are tousled from sleep, but somehow are still perfect, his perfect lips and nose make up his amazing face. I just can't wait to see those bright, baby blue eyes open again. His husky voice saying my name, his strong arms and hands comforting me. I start to trace around his face with my finger, starting at his right cheekbone I trace my way up to his eye and eyebrow. Then down to his nose and lips, tracing his jaw then going back up to do the other side.
I plant a light kiss on his cheek which wakes him up and his flawless eyes flutter open, blinking a few times to wake up. He turns his head and smiles down at me.
"Morning sleepy head," I whisper smiling back.
"Hey, how did you sleep?"
"Well this really cute guy came into my room last night and settled me down after a nightmare," I say teasingly.
"Oh, and is this guy incredibly handsome with perfect hair and a big jaw?"
"Yup all of that and much more. He's also kind, caring, strong, soft hearted, protective, amazing and not to mention has an amazing body," I say putting my hand on his bicep. He chuckles and sits himself up.
"Wow he sounds incredible! You must be happy to have him, and I can tell you he is overwhelmed that you love him!"
I laugh and hop out of my bed running my hands through my hair. I feel someone behind me here him say, "Um, Katniss your night gown looks short than before!"
I drop my head and see that my pajamas have gotten all caught and tucked up in my underwear, giving him a good flash of some green panties.
"Oh my gosh!" I frantically pull out my night gown and blush furiously.
"Hey, I don't mind at all! Flash all you want," he says, making my pink cheeks turn red.
"Yeah like you would mind," I try to snap back.
"C'mon let's go downstairs."
Down in the kitchen Peeta makes the most beautiful scrambled eggs and French toast I have ever had! After a filling breakfast Peeta goes upstairs to shower while I wash the dishes and clean the kitchen. I had just finished wiping the bench top and I heard feet thumping own the stairs. I look up to see a fresh Peeta in a light grey shirt that hugs his abdomen, showing off his muscly figure and some loose jeans that make him look HOT! Why have is started looking at him like this!?
"I'm gonna go and get ready now," I say to him and walk upstairs to my bedroom. I don't feel like a shower so I throw on a sunset orange sweater with some light skinny jeans and head downstairs to put my boots on. As I reach the bottom, the TV turns off and Peeta walks out of the living room with our coats in his hand.
"I was thinking we could go for a walk today, after being in the house for so long."
I nod my head even though I don't exactly want people crowding around me in town. But I can at least give Peeta this after all he has done for me, even though he deserves so much more. I sit on the rocking chair and bend down to out my boots on.
"I'll put your boots on for you," he says as he bends down in front of me starts to undo the laces.
"Thanks," I smile warmly and braid my hair as he slips my small feet in the worn out hunting boots and does up the laces.
We walk out the door, fingers interlaced as we head down the Victor Village road towards town.
Different people have different reactions when they see me, some scream and come running toward me and introduce themselves and get so worked up about meeting me. Others completely avoid me. One girl fainted when I touched her and we had to take her to the hospital. She was completely find, just in shock. Other people just stare at me with their mouths hanging open, some even drop their things and just stand there.
It feels awkward so I try and stay out of people way. We enter the hob and walk to Greasy Saes soup shop to order two bowls of soup from her. She doesn't visit my house anymore to cook, or clean because I have Peeta now and I'm slowly turning back into my normal self. As the bowls of hot soup are served, Darius comes into mind. He always used to be here, teasing me joking. Sighing, I take the bowl of soup thankfully. Another person to add to my unending list of dead people....
They have started to rebuild the Hob as best they can. Greasy Saes shop is the first to start operating again and all the workmen crowd around her kitchen begging for soup at lunch. We arrived there just before midday rush.
"Katniss, could you do me a favour?"
"Yeah I guess, I don't have anything else to do."
"Well, could you maybe go hunting for me like the good old days and bring some fresh game for everyone to eat? It will only be for a little, because my grandson has been going into the woods for me and he sprained his ankle yesterday."
"Of course I will, it will give me something to do around here," I smile at my old friend and lean over the counter to give her a hug. She kisses me on the cheek and goes back doing to what she does best.
A Peeta and I walk back the village, hand in hand, I lean my head on his shoulder and close my eyes breathing in his comforting scent. He stops and turns to me, looking pretty nervous, holding both of my hands.
"Katniss, I have loved you for as long as I've lived. And I don't want to let you go, ever. Will you be my Girlfriend?"
"Yes Peeta! Of course I will."

Sooooo guys there's chapter 3. Sorry I couldn't post last night, I had to go to bed...... Anyway please vote and comment if you like it!

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