Chapter 6

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Heyyyyyyyy all my lovely readers! I just want to say thank you for voting, um please comment. I would like some criticism please. Cuz I don't know if you guys like it, or if you hate it, please don't feel bad to give me some feedback. I want to get better at what I'm doing, so I would appreciate if you could help me along this journey. Hope you like it......... Vote. Comment. Follow. Fan. Please!


Chapter 6

Annie has been here for about 2 weeks now, and her baby is due any minute, any hour, any day. I can't help but feel anxious about the baby's arrival. I mean, what if something happens to the baby? Or worse, what if something happens to her? I can't afford to think like that, we all have to stay positive! For Annie and the baby, maybe also for myself.... I wonder what the baby will look like. I wonder if he or she will inherit its mums red hair, or it's fathers sandy blond hair. Maybe even strawberry bond, a mix of both.

Finnick, Finnick, Finnick...... I can't stop beating myself up over it, you have no idea how responsible I feel for his death.

It tears my heart out everyday when I wake up, just another person to add on my unending list of dead people. Finnick, prim, cinna, then man in 11, marvel, glimmer, Cato, Peetas family, the majors family, Madge, Coin, all the other families who didn't make it out of 12 in time, Mitchell, Boggs, mesalla, the patients in 8 from the hospital, my dad...... I remember that day. The explosion bell rang, so I ran to Prims class to collect her as I promised in this circumstance.

We both met my mother at the mining site as people began to emerge from the ground in the elevators, families running towards their loved ones, embracing them and rejoicing. Fewer people came out every time there elevator rose. My dad never exited the site. By nighttime, we were sitting there, holding each other as friendly neighbours draped blankets over our shoulders and gave us hot cups of tasteless soup. Morning came and we still had not seen our beloved father emerge from all the debris that was littered around us. By the next night, we gave up and went home to the seam.

I'm sitting down watching the new reality TV show, but not really paying any attention. My thoughts are elsewhere, as usual. Peetas soft breath keeps me rooted to the earth, letting me know what is reality, what is not. I can hear Annie in the kitchen, humming to herself and the baby. Her sweet, melodic hum settles me as I snuggle closer to Peeta and his comforting arms. His steady heart rhythm, beats faster as I put my ear on his chest.

Peetas POV

When Katniss places her ear on my chest, my heart runs a million miles an hour. She drives me insane, and she doesn't even know it. I don't know why I have started to think about her like this, one minute I think about her smile and the next, I'm thinking about her naked. Why is this happening. I mean I'm 18, and I thought I was past all those hormones that take over your body. I guess this must be something special, true love.

Without thinking, my hand reaches up to caress hey cheek. I love her so much. That's a statement that I could say out loud and never regret, ever.

She blushes under my touch and smiles up at me. Her grey eyes look tired, but still beautiful.

DING, DONG...... The doorbell sounds, waking me up from my trance.

"I'll get it!" Announces Annie, who's light footsteps make a slight potter patter on the floor boards.

"Um, hello, how can I help you?" Annie sounds confused.

"Oh, this isn't Katniss' house, sorry wrong one," I high pitched voice dances it's way into my ears, it sounds so familiar.

"I could've sworn this was the right one," she states.

When I reach the door with Katniss behind me, I look into those familiar blue eyes.



Delly enfolds me in a very tight hug, then moves onto Katniss, who returns her embrace. Delly Cartwright was one of my childhood friends, and also helped me out of my Mutt state.

"Hey Delly! What brings you here?" Katniss steps away from her tight grip and links her arm through mine. My spine shivers as I think of her touching me in other places....... What Peeta! No! why are you thinking like that!?

"Oh, um I just thought I would stop in and say hi, since I haven't seen either of you in ages," she smiles a truly genuine smile and looks at Annie.

"I'm Annie Odair, I'm just staying here for a while with Katniss and Peeta."

"OH! Your Annie! I remember your wedding in district 13, and Peeta made that marvellous cake with all those blue and green decorations. You and Finnick are an amazing couple," she says very cheerfully. Probably unaware of all the hurt she's causing to Annie.

Annie looks down years dripping off of her beautiful face, "Yeah, we were I guess."

"Wait, what's wrong?!" Delly looks frightened, she doesn't like to hurt people in any way at all.

"Let's go inside and sit down," I suggest.

"Ok, sure," I lead Delly inside with Katniss and we all take a seat. Delly finds a seat on the armchair, her blond curls bouncing slightly, her blue eyes sparkling.

Before we can get to anything, Annie gasps in pain and we all turn around to see her froze to the spot as clear liquid seeps through her trackies.


Soooooo hahaha, a bit of a cliff hanger but I am really tired! I bet you know what will happen next, I don't exactly know how I will write this next part, but I'll try my best......

Anyway please vote and comments and follow!


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