Convention and Book-keeper Henry

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            A few days later the professor has managed to finish at least one of his projects and I've gotten started sketching out designs, plans and ideas for the workshop. While it is not the F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. Matrix he has been dedicated to, he is proud of it none the less. It is small and unassuming, but I know it must be genius because it's creator is a brilliant man, a professor.

"I'll be back soon." He promises as I finish helping him prepare his horse and cart, Clarissa holding a small basket containing food.

"Oh, you had better be back soon." She smiles fondly at him and gives him a small kiss on the cheek, passing the basket to him. "Safe travels Martin." She tells him before he pulls away and we are left to watch him fade into the crowd.

"He'll be back before we know it." I say, looking back at Clarissa again once he is out of sight.

"He always comes back right on time." She agrees before going back inside. Since the air is fresh and the sun is bright I decide to stay outside and just walk around our small town for a while. I have long since finished the chores I've been assigned since being taken in by the professor and his wife, and I need a break from being hunched over my small table working on plans.

"Oh Ronald." I hear a sickly-sweet voice sing my name and with a sigh I turn to acknowledge them.

"Marcella." I greet. "How is this fine morning treating you?"

"Quite wonderful, now that you're here." She bats her eyes rapidly and invades my personal space more than I would like.

"And why is that?" I ask, trying to sound oblivious to her interest. I feel quite rude for doing so, but I simply do not fancy her the way she fancies me. She cannot seem to take a hint, and I doubt she would listen even if I were to explicitly tell her so.

"Oh Ronald." Another voice sings out and I turn to greet her. "How lovely to see you." Edith smiles at me, and tries to hide the bit of a sneer directed towards Marcella as she bumps her harshly, vying for my sole attention. I have no interest in her either to be quite frank.

"Yes, nice to see the both of you as well." My mind works trying to find some way out of this situation. "I'm afraid I must go, I promised Mrs. Stein I would see if they had any new novels for her at the bookshop." It's not quite a lie, I always stop by to check for her. I did so yesterday, but neither of them knows that.

"Oh," Edith's face drops and Marcella smirks, jostling Edith a bit as she tries to get my attention on her again, "Why don't I come with you." She leans closer, "I've been wanting starting to learn how to read. Maybe you can tutor me?" Her voice is low as she tries to be alluring.

"Why I would like to learn as well." Edith cuts in with a forced and high-pitched giggle.

"I should be happy to help you both. But I'm afraid I cannot today, I still have much work to do. Why not ask Henry, the book-keeper, to begin teaching you? At least until I myself can spare more time to personally teach you. He helped teach me when I first came here, and is a wonderful instructor." I offer up an alternative as I try to slide away. It is good that they wish to learn, but they do not truly need me around to do so.

I manage to cut away through the crowd with the rushed goodbye and I see them pout out of the corner of my eye. Sighing in relief, I hurry in to the little shop, "Hello Henry." I greet.

"Ah, Ronald." He smiles, "I'm afraid I do not have anything new for either you nor Clarissa since yesterday" He apologizes with a shake of his head.

"That's quite alright Henry. I was trying to get away actually." I admit and he glances out the window behind me.

He shakes his head, a small laugh escaping him as he smiles. "Ah, Marcella and Edith." he nods thoughtfully, "You know they fancy you, as do many other girls in our small town."

"I know." Another sigh escapes me, "But for all the time I've been here they do not know me, they simply think I have a handsome face." I press my lips into a line, grateful to be facing away from the window at the moment.

"It is a sad thing, but you do wish to settle down soon, do you not? I spoke with Martin and Clarissa, you are nearly twenty-five, and it seems unusual to some that you have not yet found yourself a bride." I freeze at his words, giving pause to actually think about his words and what he has asked me.

"Truthfully, I haven't given much thought to it." I tell him, "I know I should be happy that so many girls wish to be my wife, but I do not find myself drawn to any of them. I want to find a girl who is..." I pause, looking for words, "...different. I finish.

"You'll find her eventually. Let us hope that you do not find her too late." He smiles at me kindly, fatherly. "Do not be hard on yourself, son. My own boy, Bartholomew, would have been going on twenty this year." He confides. I knew he had a son, and that his son went missing many a year ago but Henry rarely speaks about his son, and I feel honored he is willing to broach the subject with me. "He was such a kind child, but unsure. I do not know that even he would have been married by twenty-five, or even thirty. I myself did not find my wife until I was about your age."

"Thank you, Henry." I shake his hand, sincerity filling my voice and I feel much better after having this conversation with him. I am sure that Clarissa and, or, Martin shall wish to speak with me soon as well. But for now, this is just what I needed to hear.

"I shall see you soon." I tell him, before leaving the sanctuary the shop has provided me not only now, but many times in the past.

"Good day to you Ronald." He calls after me with a laugh, and I find myself smiling as I reenter the sunshine.

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