The Castle and the Beast

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            Almost four weeks later and Clarissa was beginning to worry. This convention wasn't supposed to be that far, nor was it supposed to last that long. I did my best to assuage her fears and worries, but even I was beginning to become doubtful. If the convention had lasted longer, why hadn't he sent word to us?

My days consist of avoiding Marcella, Edith and their friends as well as working extra hard with all of the chores and duties I have for extra money. Going so far as to take over some for Clarissa, trying to ease her burden while she was in distress. The little extra time I have is dedicated to working on the workplace project plans, fleshing them out more and more each day.

I am thinking about all of this when I hear shouts and look up to see Matrix, one of our horses and the one that took Professor Stein to the convention, running up towards me. "Matrix!" I call out, hurriedly dropping my things and getting to my feet just in time to try to calm the upset horse. Looking around I become even more worried, Matrix is alone without the cart and there is no sign of Martin behind him.

I look behind me at the modest cottage that the Stein's lived in and where I myself have grown up since I was a boy of ten. Looking back to the panicked horse I hold his reigns, "Take me to Martin." I order as I guide him to turn around before climbing up. No need to worry Clarissa any more than she already was.

Matrix seemed to go faster and faster when we reached the nearby woods, the sound of his hooves hitting the ground drummed in my ears with the sound of my heartbeat.

Something white flashed and momentarily blinded me as we dodge through the trees. Reaching up I try to block out the source, but I as I rapidly blink my eyes begin to adjust to the bright light.

Sucking in a breath I look around in confused wonder. There is a lake covered with ice and light snow is falling all around me. This is a stark contrast to what I was just in moments ago, considering it is the middle of the summer season which is what makes the snow so odd, so incredible, to see.

But what was even more incredible was the magnificent castle in the distance that we are approaching. In my gut, I know that this is where we needed to go. "Let's go." I urge Matrix forward, he seems hesitant but he listens and we follow along old pathways that look as if they have not been very well taken care of in recent years. Some cobblestones cracked and missing and in places weeds are beginning to take over the ground.

'How did the professor end up here?' I ask myself as I look around, coming closer to an entrance. The grand and ornate castle almost has an abandoned look to it, and I wonder what happened to its inhabitants.

Easily I slide from Matrix and leave him as I go up the stairs and try the door which opens under my palms. "Wow." I raise my eyebrows, looking around. Such high ceilings and grand staircases are among the first things I see, and on instinct I follow up them and go to the left. So much space to cover, but I had to start searching somewhere.

"Martin?" I call out, my voice echoing loudly, "Martin?"

"Ronald?" I hear the weaker and much quieter reply.

"Martin!" I hurry now, the echo of my footsteps thundering around me. "Martin." I grab the bars when I find him, locked away in a cell.

"Ronald, you must go." He urges, "Immediately my boy, there is no hope for me."

"I'm not leaving you here Martin." I insist, "Is there a key somewhere?"
He opens his mouth to respond but a beautiful voice cuts through the air first.

"There is a key, but it is my mother's law that trespassers are to be imprisoned for their crime." The voice is cold and hard as it slices through the dim darkness. Although it hid it's warmth, it's smoothness was alluring.

Looking around I peer through the darkness, trying to find the source. My breath catches in my throat as she slowly stepped into the twilight that filtered through the tall windows. She is haunting, but there is beauty in her, I can see it, I can feel it.

Jagged ice framed her pale blue tinted face, and like a crown it settled over her snowy hair. Her sharp eyes are so pale of a blue that they were almost white. Spikes of ice hung from her body as it adorned her hair, her shoulders capped with it and it even decorated her dress. I swear I could hear them lightly clink together as she shifted.

"You care for this man? What is he to you?" Her eyes study me as she calmly asks me questions. It does not feel as though she wishes to keep him locked up either, but in the moment, I do not have time to ponder this thought.

"He and his wife have raised me since the age of ten. They took me in when I needed a home, claimed me as their own. He is my father." I fight to keep my voice even as words spill from my mouth.

Her eyes seemed to soften with my words, but it is gone in a fraction of a second and I have to wonder if it was nothing but my imagination.

"My mother's law dictates that people are imprisoned for their crimes." She looks to him, "The time for trespassing is many years, it varies. Anywhere from ten, fifteen, up to twenty years."

"It was not meant, he did not try to trespass on your land. Is there no way you would let us both go home?" My voice is pleading as my hand tightens on the bar.
Again she seems sad, "There is one way I know of that your father could return home." She takes a deep breath, her eyes downcast before they meet mine, "You may take his place if you wish. But once you have made your decision it cannot be changed or reversed." After the words leave her mouth she turns away from me and steps closer to one of the tall windows, looking out.

"I am truly sorry that you must choose. My mother's word is law, even I cannot break it."

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