Chapter 2

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There was a plasma screen for arriving and departure time on the wall of the airport. People were in line at the check-in desk with suitcases and carry on luggage. There was a sculpture of a whale with water cascading from its mouth and flowing down to its tail. In the background, the top 40 played on a repeat. In the arrivals lounge, there was a curious mixture of bored and excited people. Some looked like they were waiting for a bus, others like they were children waiting for Santa himself. Waiting for their significant others or waiting for the family member to collect them from long trips.

Thirty-minutes before our flight we arrive at the airport, thankful my father doesn't cuss out the driver. He hands him the money as my mother and I walk towards the check-in desk. "Next," the attendant says and she and I walk up "Name" the lady almost yells "oh yes, Kimberton" she smiles kindly. The nice lady with the name of Laura helped us kindly, handing us our tickets, pointed to Customs & Security and we were on our way. After getting poked and making sure we had no illegal contraband, we all soon arrived at our gate. Not even fifteen minutes since we sat down we were boarding our 15-hour flight to who knows. We walked down the bridge and to the plane where we were greeted by a young flight attendant. From my window of the plane, the wing engine is semi-illuminated since it's still dark out. As the plane fills I can see men in bright yellow jackets filling the plane and putting on our luggage.

As the plane got to its comfortable cruising altitude I could feel my eyes closing as my mind turned into a carousel of thoughts. Every idea I'd ever had during my old life came jumbled into my mind. So as the carousel of thoughts came to an abrupt stop, my mind stops to think, and the random thoughts drift to a comfortable sleep."Miss" I woke up to a soft voice and light shaking "we're about to land" I nodded and stretched. Wait...I slept for 15 hours, the whole damn flight. I'm not surprised since it's the first time in a while that I haven't been hit. I looked out the window and saw we were above a green, wooded area and my mind had so many questions. "Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the United Kingdom" she smiled and I stared out the window, I'm in the UK. Soon the plane is landing and the once ants that are cars and buses come closer into view.

To say I was scared was an understatement, moving to a new place is always so scary and having abusive parents is always worse. There was the thudding of the plane hitting the ground and I knew nothing would change. After we got our bags and got a taxi "where to sir?" the bald man asked, "Woodlands Beverley HU17 now" my "father" said and he only nodded and drove the small black Corolla as I leaned up against the side and let my mind wander. 


edited April 27, 2019

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