Chapter 19

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When the car hit the water I felt my bones and muscles, joints, and organs felt like they were being crumbled and smashed into a tiny box. My lungs felt as if they were dried and starved of air. My head smashed against the steering wheel and my body ricocheted off the seat. My vision was flashing with the light of the clouds but darkened by the water. My ears were filled with the splash of the car, the radio turning into mumbles as the water filled the interior, and the sound of me thrashing around trying to escape.


Daniel P.O.V:

I chased after her in hopes that I could try to prove to her that I didn't want to be with that blonde tramp that was all over me. I wanted her to know that I loved her and I only wanted to be with her. But when I got into my car I knew that something wasn't right, so I rushed in the direction she went. It took me about 20 minutes to get to the bridge and they were just pulling her body from the car.

Her skin was pale with a hint of blue, she was unconscious, and she was fading fast. I pulled my car into a stop, jumped out, and ran over to one of the officers. "Hold on sir, we need space," the cop said holding me back "I'm her fiancé I need to go with her" I cried and he nodded and let me into the back of the ambulance. I sat on the opposite side of the paramedics and held Emmett's cold small hand "Please don't leave me princess" I whispered. When we got to the emergency room nurses held me back while they rushed my baby girl into surgery. Sitting in the waiting room for hours, I felt as if half of me was dying. My wolf was whimpering begging the Moon Goddess to help my little mate, I didn't want a human as a mate I will admit, but now I have her I don't want to let her go.

It's been 4 hours and Emmett was still in surgery. My father, Mother, Nana (My Grandmother), Stephanie (Emmett's mother), Ginger, Greyson, James, and Lucy had all shown up to wait for the news. "Hey bro, do you want anything to drink?" Greyson asked and I shook my head and he just walked out of the room. Lucy and Ginger had small tears still falling down their faces and I knew that my face probably looked the same. Right after Greyson walked out a doctor walked in "Family of Emmett Kimberton" he said and we all stood up "okay, well she's still in surgery" he paused "she had internal bleeding, broken ribs, a broken collarbone, a punctured artery, and a collapsed lung" he said and I felt the tears started to fall again. "We managed to have a successful lung transplant, we stopped the internal bleeding, we closed the artery, and now we're working on rebuilding her broken bones" I couldn't hold it in anymore "I need to see her" I demanded.

"Alpha, we can't let you" he frowned "I don't care I need to please" I begged and he nodded. We had many of our pack members that worked in the hospital and luckily her doctor was one of them. "Follow me" he stated and I followed him behind some doors and down some halls, then we were in the room before entering the surgery room. I could see that the doctors were repositioning many things, there was a lung to the left the was flattened, and the worst part was there was so much blood. "Give her some of my blood," I said quietly "what Alpha?" he asked and I looked at him "give her some of my blood" he frowned. "Alpha, you know what can happen if we do that she's human" I nodded "I know the consequences, but I rather she is healing slower than her being opened up like a dissected frog" I yelled and he only nodded.

I followed the doctor into a room filled with nurses and people with tubes connected to their arms. "So we'll finish the surgery, then we'll give her your blood," he said quietly and I nodded. He called over a redhead who was also a part of my pack and told her what was happening even though I could tell she knew. "Okay Alpha" she walked over and started to work on drawing my blood "take a deep breathe" she smiled and I did as I was told. She took around two pints, which isn't a lot considering I'm a werewolf and the alpha. "She'll be okay Alpha I promise" she gave me a small smile and I nodded. 


edited February 8, 2018

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